Wednesday, March 02, 2011


As I was making dinner tonight, I could hear the little boys in the living room playing on the Game Cube.  I couldn't tell what they were playing because for once they had the volume very low.  I could however hear them cheering each other on.

At one point, Hunter enthusiastically yelled, "Come on, Connor!  There's no I in TEAM WORK!  We can do it!"

I had to giggle and wonder where a nine-year-old learned that one. 

I'll be anxiously waiting to hear it come out of Connor's seven-year-old mouth soon. 

They are like little sponges at these ages. 

Makes me wonder what "phrases" they have soaked up here at home and spewed back out to their teachers at school.


1 comment:

  1. I love it!! That's so cool! I love hearing the neat moments that kids are getting along and they don't know we can hear them... Makes it worth it...
