Monday, March 07, 2011

One Benjamin Franklin

 . . . That's how much it took to convince the 14 year-old to get straight As again. 

When I make these promises with my children, I guess I never really think through the situation to the end, because it was painful paying up. 

The offer has been around for many many years.  It began when we could see our oldest son's potential report card success, but he couldn't.  For some reason, Benjamin did not tempt him enough.

Back then, Hannah always pulled straight As on her report cards.  We (and she) knew she could do it, but in order to save the bank, we told her it was for achieving all As in "High School".  I know, it was pretty low of us. 

She showed us by bombing out in 7th grade.  Well, I guess if you consider a couple of Bs (and a D) bombing out.

The offer kind of got brushed aside for a couple of years while we just tried to muddle through as best we could.  We made sure to remind them on report card day that if they would have only gotten all As they would have gotten $100.  Then out of the blue this year, and way ahead of time, the kids asked if the offer still stood. 

"Of course, it does!"  We'll do whatever it takes to help them achieve academic success!  It's our job as parents.

Hannah must have skipped home from school knowing that for once she had me!

She beamed at me as I opened the sealed report card. 

I think my bright, yellow purse actually squeaked as I unlatched and opened it.

"I want you to know how hard I worked to earn this Benjamin Franklin."  I told her as I dangled the bill between two fingers.

"I want you to know how hard I had to work for him."  She tells me back and snatches the bill from my fingers.

I am so proud of my daughter.  She is extremely smart.

I am also proud of my manipulative and coercive parenting skills.  It feels really nice when it pays off. 

Almost as nice as One Benjamin Franklin feels in my purse.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job to Hannah and to awesome parents! :) Yay!
