Monday, February 28, 2011

Oh, No! Not Again!!!

There is something about being in Salt Lake City during the last week of February that makes my mind LoOpY.  I'm not sure if it's spending an entire Saturday at CBYC scrapbooking that muddles my brain, or if it's the eagerness and excitement of all of the SHOPPING that the "big city" offers.

Whatever the reason, due to my LoOpYness,
I locked my keys in my van again this year.

Last year, I was so excited to be at the Expo, that I slid open the van door, threw the keys on the seat, grabbed my scrappy supplies and slammed the door shut.  My stomach lurched as I looked through the tinted window at my keys dangling on the edge of the seat! 

What do you do when your spare set of keys are 300 miles away?

I did what any good scrapbooker would do;  I took a picture of the keys in my van and turned and ran back into the Expo Center to start scrapping!  I just knew some great inspiration would reveal itself later on.

Like Magic, the answer came as I watched officers come and go to the event in the next venue.  There was a Safe Kid's Convention going on and every precinct in the vicinity had sent their finest to talk to the kiddos.

I know, because I met every single one of them as I went from group to group hoping against all hope that one might have a Slim Jim and rescue me from my stupidity.

My last hope came in the form of a moustached man in a blue uniform looking something like the hero in a 70s cartoon.  Actually, they all looked like that.

The lock was popped, and I was saved and able to go home for a year and drive back down for another fabulous time at CBYC scrapbooking the day away.

After a successful crop, the shopping began.

I was introduced to a store called Hobby Lobby.  I had never met Hobby Lobby before. 

As I drove into the parking lot, I could almost smell the aroma of raffia and glue sticks, paper and unfinished wood projects.  My eyes glazed over and I glided to the front doors where I inhaled deeply. 

I was not disappointed!

I shopped.
I paid.
I left.I pushed my heaping cart with one hand as I groped in my pocket, then my purse, then my pockets again searching for my keys. 

My sweet daughter peered into the drivers side and shook her head and said "Uh, Oh!"

I knew . . .

. . . I had done it again!

Did you know that if you go to the dealership and smile sweetly, and ask really nicely (and show proof that the van actually is yours), they will use your VIN # to cut you a new key? 

Did I mention that the guy was born in Idaho Falls.


  1. I'm laughing my guts out! I LOVE it!

  2. Crazy! You tell it well. Glad you got a picture. You can create a wall of memories... :)
