Sunday, February 20, 2011

Yesterday was one of those days.  I was taking a serious look at myself (perhaps too seriously), and finding myself lacking.  I was questioning my motherhood ability and feeling very down.  It's amazing how teenage words can do that to a mother.

I knew that if I only waited until tomorrow things would be better.  They almost always are.  A new dawn brings new light on the day.

The sun rose on me this morning as I was kissing my little boys for school. 

Hunter gave me a kiss and said in a big voice, "You raised us well, Mom."

Now, I wouldn't really consider a 9-year-old to be exactly raised, but the words made my heart pulse all the way up to the back of my eyes and the pressure made them sting.

Not to be outdone, Connor gave me a big hug and said "I love you waaaay more than you love me!"

That really got my emotion going, so to quell it I told him, with a crooked grin, that he was a liar and that I loved him the mostest.

I realized then what a gift from God these two little boys are to me and that God knows me well enough to prompt those darlings to say the exact things I needed to hear most.

Although it was snowing when I woke up this morning, the sun was shining through bringing the dawn of this new day. 

It made me feel that maybe . . . just maybe, I'm not such a lacking mother after all.

We'll see how they feel when they are teenagers.

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