Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmassy Weather and Ginger Snap Cookies

Last night as we turned out the lights to settle in for a long winter's nap , the light glowed into the window. Inside the house in our beds, we were warm and cozy. But outside, a huge, severe winter storm was raging and the moon reflected the bright white snow into our window.

We slept soundly through the blowing, billowing snow as it swirled and drifted, covering the shoveled walks and driveways.

We awoke when the phone--first James', then mine, then the home, rang with a message from the school to make our children's heart's fill with glee--School was cancelled!

We snoozed on only to be woken again 3 more times each per phone with the same message. I have to give it to the school--they are thorough.

The little boys have been begging and begging for us to put up our Christmas decorations early this year. I'm not sure what it is, but they are prematurely excited this year. In a way--so am I.

Christmas is that "special" time of year that makes my heart race and butterflies flutter in my stomach. The feeling is also known as ANXIETY! I am doing everything I can to calm myself but I can see tiny ways that my attitude has crept into my older children's. They don't seem to be as excited about winter and Christmas as in past years. This year, I am smiling brightly and keeping my disdain for the cold and snow more to myself; for mothers have a great influence on their children's feelings of well-being.

Somehow this year, the swirling snow has glittered and sparkled and surrounded my heart and is tickling a tiny feeling of Christmas magic there.

Jenny Oaks Baker is gently playing her violin to the tune of Ave Maria on the CD player, and homemade ginger snap cookies are baking in the oven. Tonight, in my home, Christmas is in our hearts.

Even if you don't have snow, and you want your home to smell like Christmas, bake a batch of these cookies to share with family, friends, and neighbors.

Bishop Baumgarten's Ginger Snap (Sogs) Cookies
Bishop B. always called them ginger sogs because they are so soft and yummy.

3/4 C shortening
1 C brown sugar
1/4 C molasses
1 egg

Beat together til' fluffy

2 1/4 C Flour
2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves

Stir together. Form balls. Roll in sugar. Bake 375 degrees for 10 min.

*High altitude: Add 1/4 c flour and bake an additional 4 min.

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