Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter and the Hole in the Wall

Harry Potter is a big deal in our house. We all love it, from the oldest members listening to the books on their Ipods, to the youngest members playing the Lego version on the Wii.

So, it was no surprise that we planned on seeing Part 1 of The Deathly Hallows on the day of the premier.

I knew the children of appropriate age would be giddy and on their BEST BEHAVIOR all day long in anticipation of Dad and Mom allowing them to tag along on their date.

I get a call at work from the youngest child tattling that the babysitter (oldest sister) is torturing the other brother.

I calmly put out the fire.

I call on my way home and tell them to be ready and waiting outside for a quick pick up for our rare and amazing adventure at the movies.

I get a call 2 minutes later. Everyone is crying and there is a hole in the wall.

I ignore the hole in the wall comment and ask if they still want to go, they assure me they do and promise to be better.

The movie was amazing and satisfied every one's high expectations.

We get home and I walk down the hallway to find a TEN INCH HOLE IN THE WALL. When asked why, the guilty party said that her sister drove her to it.


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