Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tetanus Scare and bonus Christmas Money

I had to take Alex to Redi Care today because we thought he had Tetanus. He stepped on a nail during Drama class at school two weeks ago while building thrones for the sets for his two upcoming plays; Much Ado About Nothing and Once Upon a Mattress. His jaw has been in mortal pain ever since. Of course, I only found out last night–after our regular doctor’s office was closed. But hey, we met our deductible, so now I look for any excuse to go to the doctor since it’s practically free, and that way I can feel better about those 12 lovely insurance payments I made throughout the year.

“Just in case” the doctor prescribed an anti inflammatory and an antibiotic. A tetanus shot was administered, and then we drove to the pharmacy at the grocery store where Alex recently got a job as a bagger. He grabbed a cart and started pushing it along, flexing his abs as he pushed. He told me that soon he’s going to have rock hard abs from pushing all of those carts through the snow and back into the store. I laughed. It won’t be much longer until he’s out on his own. Graduation is just around the corner. Life will be boring without Alex constantly doing thousands of projects and experiments. Although the messes annoy me, I will miss seeing him in creativity mode.

I don’t think I’ll miss seeing his room piled with junk knee high! I have to close his door every day so I don’t have to look at it. Most days it’s a battle I choose not to fight. Tomorrow I will be cleaning it and charging him $20 an hour. How do you think that will go? I could really use some last minute Christmas money :)

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