Friday, April 09, 2010

March 17, St. Patty's Day with Luke Liam and Phebe

Do a Good deed Every Day--It's my motto, after all.

My other Motto is: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished (maybe I should stop saying that).

So My mom is supposed to take care of my brother's kids while his wife goes on a little vacation to visit her sister. But Mom decides to move up her knee-replacement surgery.


It's Super Me to the rescue! I volunteer to watch the kiddos and promise to drop them off in Logan, UT on my way to take care of my mom after her surgery. I suppose I didn't quite know what I was in for.

I drive 90 miles and pick up the kids and head home. It's getting late. Time to put the toys away. Little Sweet Phebe Chucks a toy at me and screams! I'm in shock and don't quite know how to respond. Uh, what did I do when my kids were 3? It wasn't that long ago, was it? Ah, yes, time-out. Chaos reigns, but we finally get everyone happily to sleep.

The next day is Alex's birthday, and as we sing the happy birthday song, Little Luke throws up. I check on Phebe and she has thrown up on the couch!

With buckets and kids strategically placed, we survive the day.

The next day goes much more smoothly! It St. Pat's Day, so we dress in green and eat green deviled eggs. The filling looks like yummy, creamy green frosting. The kids can't stomach it. They eat the egg whites all around the filling. I laugh when I see a tiny white bit of egg and a lump of green goo on top.

I paint Phebe's tiny fingernails and toenails bright green. She giggles.

We head to the park which is a field of ice and MUD. The kids have buckets and have a marvelous time digging in the mud and slopping it into their buckets. I chase them around the ancient and very not-to-code playground set for a tiny bit of exercise.

It's ice cream time, then time to drive 90 min to take them home. I give them all kisses and hugs and hope they only remember the good times at our house ;)

A couple of days later I get a text on my cell from Liam. "I love you, Aunt Sunny!" My heart melts and I text right back, "I love you too, Liam!"

It makes it all worth it! Come again soon, little ones!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are so good to me....I owe you big time! And just so you know, my kids think you are better than Santa Clause, and they beg to come to your house often.
