Friday, April 09, 2010

3 Amazing March Birthdays

{Earliest digital Photo of Alex, age 8}
Happy Birthday, Alex!
March 16, 17 years old
You are my brainy, child who loves doing huge projects usually involving electricity and wire. You are not afraid to help rid the house of rodents by zapping them to death with a home made taser. You exude confidence and are funny. You are a good friend. You always stick up for Mom! You have a terrific bass voice and love to act. You drive me crazy by responding in one word answers. You have been a joy to watch grow up! I love you!

Alex: I don't want anyone to know when my birthday is.
Mom: I know why!
Alex: Why?
Mom: Because you get more attention that way.
Alex: You guessed it!
Mom (thinking): I'm going to throw him a royal surprise party! Mwahahahahah
Mom: Steals Alex's phone and texts his entire contact list--not knowing that many of the people had only met him once--a long time ago, or had moved away to college! Alex sees Mom's number on friend's cell phones. Mom has to make up excuses.
Mom conspires with girlfriend for distraction.

Alex practically lights tablecloth on fire while lighting match on fly zipper.

Mom: Note to self: Alex doesn't like cookie cakes anymore. Ask before you bake it and hide it in the freezer and then have to make a regular cake on his actual birthday.
Family Tradition: Breakfast and presents in bed.
{endure terrible photos with bedhead and poor lighting each year}

Mom: Alex, What do you want for birthday breakfast?

Most memorable birthday moment: Little Luke hurling during the birthday song.

{Earliest Digital Photo of Hannah, 5 years old}
Happy Birthday Little Miss Hannah!
March 18, 14 years old

Hannah, you are a loyal friend. You have an amazing relationship with your dad! You love to quote Brian Regan. You are a perfectionist down to stacking the cups in ROYGBIV order. You are sensitive and very smart! You are way too hard on yourself. You insist on doing things your way. And, you are Wonderful and I love that you are my daughter!

Hannah had a fun party the weekend before her birthday with Mikaela and Courtney watching Avatar and eating fries and shakes and ice cream pie at Red Robin.

A Chocolate ice cream cake to DIE for!

{earliest digital photo of Emily at 3 years Old}
Happy Birthday Little Miss Emily!
March 24, 12 years old

Emily, you are 12 and FINALLY in Young Women! What will this year of changes hold for you? Get ready to ride on the roller coaster of emotions! Your best buds are boys--that saves a lot on the emotional warfare department! Trading in the training bra for the real thing! Late night talks with Mom. You love fiercely and get bitterly angry. You charm everyone and you have the heart of a lion! I love you so much! Have a terrific year!

Emily's clever book cake. The cake I made and froze for Emily I accidentally decorated and served Alex on his birthday, so I had to quickly make another one for Em. I cut a sheet cake in half and stacked it, but when I put it on the cake plate, it sagged in the middle!!! What to do? Turn it into a BOOK! ;)

Breakfast, Presents, and siblings in bed! (Alex had already left for zero hour seminary)

Emily and her boy pals Connor, Tim, Chance and Hunter.
Emily had a fun movie party with Tim and Sarena. We saw How to Train Your Dragon in 3D then went to the Mongolian Grill for dinner.

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