Friday, April 09, 2010

Alex's Antics PI Day March 14

It's 11 PM and Alex announces that tomorrow is PI day so he needs to bake a PIE.
Somewhat exasperated I tell him that it has to bake for an hour. Of course he doesn't mind. What's sleep when you get to eat pie the next day? I give him the directions and he heads to the kitchen to look for my tattered recipe for Betty Crocker's famous pie crust.

After about 20 minutes I want to smack myself in the head. I have a light bulb moment; I could be spending precious time with my son teaching him one of the few things I actually do well. I wonder why I am sometimes slow to get these important instant messages from above?

I jump up and head to the kitchen to find Alex handling a giant flour and shortening LUMP.
The lump immediately goes into the trash can and we start over making the thinnest, most tender crust possible. We fill the soft crust with home made pie filling from our very own trees, bottled in the past fall.

(I'm not a fan of my son being shirtless with his underwear showing, buy hey, it's nearly midnight!)

Then Alex goes to work carving pi into the pie.

The class pigged out on about 20 pies to celebrate "PI Day" 3-14 (March 14).

Onto other antics. . .

Alex Loves to eat gummies. Gummy worms, gummy bears, gummy pizza, you name it! He'd probably eat gummy ice cream if there were such a thing. So why not make your own?

You can find tutorials on anything on the internet. I know this because Alex lives for tutorials!

Improvised double broiler

Check out Alex posing in the background. What a goof ball!

They kept burning each other. I was laughing!

Gummy sheet layers?

The finished product. Very strange. Somewhat like jello jigglers, and somewhat like gummies.

Sadly, Alex didn't like them very much and so the rest of us had to eat them all!

End of story.

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