Friday, March 05, 2010

A Moore Typical Morning

Emily has been having migraines. Yesterday she was vomiting into a bucket as she rested in my bed. Then she ate in my bed when the migraine passed. I went to bed that night so tired that all I did was turn over my pillow and flop down anyway.

She is getting ready to become a woman. I became a woman two weeks before I turned 12. She will be 12 in three. It is emotional warfare in our house right now.

This morning, I complement Hunter on his very first phone message written for me in 8 year-old handwriting. Emily shoves her cereal away and starts crying and says she's not going to eat any more. She yells that I never tell her that she did a good job writing a message for me.

Emotional Warfare.

Hannah is hacking and feverish beside me on the couch. I forgo the rule of no eating cereal in the living room. She'll miss school today. She is hallucinating and is having trouble distinguishing between dreams and reality.

Alex went out to see the premier of Alice in Wonderland at midnight and got only 4 hours of sleep on a school night. It takes a bulldozer to get him off the couch and into the shower.

The boys get carried away and distracted from getting ready for school, and I find them playing Legos in their underwear for the third time, 10 minutes before the tardy bell.

James is searching high and low for his ipod which I just saw in his hand five minutes before. At least he has his keys. He attached a huge new garage door opener to them. He won't have a chance of misplacing those any time soon.

I wait for the chaos to end before I drag myself away from the morning news shows.

When the kids get home from school, they will do doubt find me in the exact same place as I take a breather from cleaning and sanitizing the entire house, laundry, running errands, and cleaning someone else's house. They may wonder if I did anything at all today.

Somehow they don't seem to notice the fresh, clean house as they crash through the door trailing backpacks, papers, boots, gloves, and shoes behind them. They will empty the entire contents of the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator onto the counters.

It's a typical day in the Moore house and I love every single minute of it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a time! I hope everyone feels better soon! I had migraines when I was Emily's age too - NO fun!!
