Monday, March 08, 2010

Important Accomplishments

As I sit thinking about my day, I find myself disappointed. I wonder where the day went and why I seem to have accomplished nothing.

The house is a wreck.

The dryer is dead again, so no Monday laundry got done.

I only got some of the bills paid

I forgot to drop off the Karate payment. Again.

Oh, and those phone calls I was really going to make today did not happen.

A lot of sweets made it into my mouth.

I didn't do a lick of exercise.


I seem like a real failure today.

So what really could have taken up so much time?
My mind sifts back through the events of the day. . .

I took my teenage daughter to the doctor's office today. She was feeling especially vulnerable to motherly affection. I took advantage. I picked up some Chinese food and a couple of chick flicks along with her prescriptions.

At home, we bypassed the sink full of dishes and stepped over a pile of toys on the way to watch our movie.

We made ourselves sundaes and pigged out as we cried through the rest of our movie.

Later I remembered {ahead of time} that Connor was assigned the treat for Family Home Evening so I made a special trip to the grocery just for the {frivolous} ingredients.
We giggled as we made dirt pudding with gummy worms.
Hunter came home and begged me to play Life with him. Dang that game is long!

Mr. Moore came home humming his latest download. He wanted to share it with me, and we found ourselves dancing in the bedroom. {Who are these people} The kids soon joined us and we spun them around until they were dizzy.
Dinner was PB and Js.
FHE was fun time spent together, then we watched Castle with toys and messes strewn everywhere.
When I look back, I realize that I did work hard today. I worked on my most important job--my job as a mother.
Nothing is more important that that!


  1. aahhhhhhh I love it! What a perfect day!

  2. :) What wonderful memories!! :)
