Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Photo Valentines with Roses and Pencils

We finally got the Valentines together! The hardest part--getting the boys to write ALL of the names themselves!

K-don't let your eyes fool you! These are photos of the boys holding out their fists. Then we developed the pictures and cut slits above and below their fists. We then slid pencils or rose pens through the slits.

The original idea was to use suckers in their hands. The slits can be smaller and the cards lie flatter with suckers, but I wanted to be a little more original {not to mention sugar-free}, so we used pencils. The holes had to be bigger, and they bend a bit, but overall I love them!

The teachers are special, so we attached a rose to a pen with floral tape and it looks like the boys are handing their teachers a rose. So much fun!!!


  1. so awesome!! What a cute idea! :)

  2. Sunny, that is just the cutest, CUTEST idea!
    I love it!
