Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Hand That Was Dealt

Oh, what to do with the hand that was dealt to me . . .

I never thought to pause and ponder the many attributes and abilities of my hands, namely my right hand. I never took time to appreciate the gift that they are. I just took them for granted every minute of every day . . .

until today.

Somehow a few days ago I injured my right hand. I'm not sure if the repetitive motion of scrubbing other people's hard water deposits or the chipping of Idaho's finest frozen porch ice did it; Perhaps it was the hours spent meticulously piping icing onto my sister's wedding cake that caused the problem. Whatever the reason, my right wrist has decided to take a break. I am in pain.

I reach out and grab the tassels dangling from crooked blinds and gasp. I wrench the seat belt with my left hand and grab with my right to click it into place and stabbing pierces my wrist. Making my son's top bunk bed was nearly impossible without the helping hands of my daughter. The easiest of jars had to be passed on to my oldest son's excessively capable hands.

I feel helpless

Yet I think how grateful I am for the past 39 years of unwavering service rendered me by my hands.

And I'm hopeful that they will return to me with proper rest and recovery.

And I think of the other parts of my body that function constantly without notice or gratitude from me.

And I can't help but be grateful for this machine that was a gift to me.

And I wonder how many of God's gifts we take for granted every day.

I must change.

I will decide today to see with new eyes, hear with new ears, sense with new senses and appreciate all that has been given to me. And I will remember to thank God for these gifts often.
Love the hand that was dealt to you.

(you may have noticed that typing on the computer has not been impeded by my injured wrist. Something that has not escaped my gratitude :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh yikes!! I've been there, done that... more times than I can count. It can be tough to rest the injured arm/wrist/hand, but it is so vital to recovery! I hope it heals quickly! Until then, let the kids help lots more... and Jmz too.. :)
