Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Elfing Myself

What have I been up to the last couple of weeks? I've been one of Santa's busy elves, of course!!!

Besides the usual gift buying and wrapping, I have been crafting like CRAZY! I thought it would be nice to give handmade gifts again this year {scoff}.

For some strange reason, I have no concept of time. I think that I can do EVERYTHING. Well, I almost can, but I am only one woman after all!

I didn't realize how close Christmas was until Emily came home from school today and informed me that their last day of school before the holidays is THIS FRIDAY!!! I was totally thinking they'd be in another week. Well, now I'm on CRUNCH MODE! And what do I do? What else? I whine/blog about it!
This is upcoming and won't need to be completed until New Years. It's for my sister's wedding. I will be altering it--somehow (haven't gotten that far in the thought process yet).

I made a few of these wood blocks for friends and neighbors. They still need paint on the edges.

A couple more things for friends and neighbors. Thankfully these were started BEFORE Thanksgiving.

I made two of these signs for display at our primary program. They will be turned into gifts for my Primary people. Which means I may need to make one more! A store bought bag of MandMs is looking really good right now instead!

I got my holiday cards done way before Christmas! Free photographer (My Auntie), 50 Free prints from Shutterfly, but I had to pay extra for shipping because I'm so slow! Still haven't gotten all of them stamped yet, but it's coming, I promise!!!

Something in the works for some very special people. This is not my photo BTW, but a hint of what's to come.

Also not my photo, but a cute idea for a teacher gift! I have to come up with those BEFORE Friday!!!

A MAJOR project!!! My friend's scrap travel journal to Africa and Thailand. I'm halfway finished and it has to be done by TOMORROW!!! (Also not my photo, but it is a nice Giraffe in front of Kilimanjaro)

I can TRIPLE check this one off! I made 12 gingerbread houses and 5 batches of Royal icing for our annual gingerbread party! My house got trashed and still hasn't recovered, but it was SO MUCH FUN!

Each guest received this.

I was really a nut case to suggest that our presidency make these cuties for our primary children. They really looked so simple but took about a thousand hours and they still aren't all the way finished. I bagged them off onto the president. Some things have to give!
They sure are cute, though.

Our ward boundaries just changed and we got a bunch of new kids, so I have no idea how many more of these need to be made before Sunday. But hey, that's three whole days away.

Marcia's sister Susan called and said that Marcia wanted a bunch of cards for Christmas. It really brought tears to my eyes how they were both scheming to give me a little work this year!

I couldn't stop tearing up making this. I really miss Marcia!

More blocks. Connor drew Courtney's name for the gift exchange in kindergarten. The gift had to be less than $3. I knew just what to do--spend 500 hours on it instead! LOL JK it was only about 2 (and I was watching Castle).

There are many more projects on my "to do before Christmas" list. I wonder how much I'll get accomplished!
Signing off the blogging black hole of time consumption . . . .


  1. Wow Sunny!! You are amazing! WOW! :) So many awesome things! You are so very talented! Wow!

    Great job on accomplishing so much! :) I hope the rest of the list is easily finished and you have a wonderful holiday season! ♥ ya!

  2. Sunny Moore!!!! No wonder you get stressed out at Christmas...you give yourself too many projects! On the other hand, I sure do like being a recipient of all your creative energy..you make the most darling things.

    Next time we have a weekend together I want you to show me how to make those cute fabric flower clips (poseys?). My mom is leaving me her sewing machine while she is in Guatemala next year, and I desperatley need some help learning how to sew.

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! We love you!
