Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Betsy's Visit Dec 19, 2009

My friend, Betsy decided to fly on over from warm, sunny Arizona for a pre-Christmas visit on December 19th. After the initial freeze shock, Betsy adapted nicely.


We had the greatest time with Betsy! She took me to Idaho Falls and we got pedicures, massages, and groceries! Best Day of my life (well, almost ;)!

One day we made all kinds of Christmas candy to share with friends and family. Now, when I say Christmas candy, I don't mean the kind that you boil until the soft-ball stage, carefully checking the temperature with a candy thermometer along the way.

I mean the kind that you rip open a giant bag of Rolos and unwrap them and set them on pretzels on a wax paper lined cookie sheet and heat in the oven until melted and squash with a red or green m and m. (I tried to force Betsy and the kids to only use the red and green ones, but they thought I was insane for some reason)

We also made my deluxe Peppermint Bark by melting white chocolate chips in 30 sec. intervals in the microwave ( about 90 sec) and smoothing it onto a wax paper lined cookie sheet and sprinkling with crushed candy cane. Then we broke it into shards and immediately consumed a large portion. :)

Betsy asked me to make albums for her from her trips to Africa and Thailand. I spent many hours on the albums and was so happy to present them to her as a keepsake of her journeys. I may post more on how I made these on my cards blog when time permits.

It's not a coincidence that Betsy and I share a common last name! We were kindred spirits since before the dawning of time! Betsy is a fun, amazing, generous, spunky, gorgeous woman and I am so glad that she has been my friend for many many years! XOXO Betsy! We want you to come for Christmas eve next year!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for fun visits with dear friends! :) Yay for yummy treats! :) You are amazing, Sunny! I know I've already said it, but you are! ♥ you!!
