Saturday, September 12, 2009

Back To School 2009

Summer went by much too quickly for me this year. I don't know that we were able to beat every possible bit of fun out of it before it was over. It must have been our long two week trip to VA without the younger children. It was certainly too much time away from them.

I had no idea that I was even excited for school to begin . . . until those first few silent moments alone in my house. Ahhhhhh. What a feeling. ALL OF THEM IN SCHOOL! Wait a second, this can't possibly be right. No heart wrenching. No tears? No agony that my baby has entered kindergarten at long last? I'm sure there is pain in my chest somewhere. Hmmmm. Nope! This feeling doesn't hurt. It feels.....EXHILARATING! FREEING! Peaceful. What to do, what to do? Nap, clean . . . THE WORLD IS MINE!!! BWAHAHA!

Okay, Connor is only in KG part time, so maybe I'll have those heart wrenching feelings next year!

Connor, my part-time Kindergartner. The cutest little kindergartner in the whole world! He was soooo nervous to start school. For one thing, he kept forgetting that he was a kindergartner and told everyone that he was a first grader. Then he told me that he didn't know how to be a kindergartner. When I told him he would be a great student, he nervously told me that he didn't know how. It was precious. Thankfully we got to meet the teacher and see the classroom the day before school began! The morning of school, Hunter took Connor by the hand and off they walked to school.Wow, Hunter is now in second grade. And he has the front teeth to prove it! Hunter kept up on his reading this summer by starting Harry Potter. What a cutie. He was so good with Connor on his first day! I wish every kid could have a big brother like Hunter! Two very cute boys!

My Middle Schooler. Another nervous beginning--middle school. Emily was so excited to have her own locker, but a little apprehensive about being so independent. I just pushed her off the diving board! I remember being more nervous than Alex when he began middle school. It's nice when Mom doesn't have to be the one doing the firsts.
Another first--Jr. High School. Butterflies? Uh, YES! Thankfully she'll have Mikaela and the rest of the 7th grade by her side today! (Another painless push from Mom).

Mr. Cool 11th grader. Too cool to even pose for a photo (or maybe those homemade muffins Mom made were just too good to pause for the photo). Yeah, been there, done that. Next year I'll have my T-shirt!
This one actually makes me feel a little shaky! I had no idea that day that scholarship and college info would be making themselves known in our mailbox very soon. Can he really be graduating next year? Time does fly.
Good luck on a great year, children! I'll miss you all dearly!
Homework: bring it!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I love your post! I felt the same way, although I knew \months\ in advance that there weren't gonna be tears. :) Yay for quiet time for Mom!!

    Next year is our year for firsts again. That will be a trip. ... but I can't believe Alex is in the 11th grade! WOW! They sure grow up fast!
