Saturday, September 12, 2009

2009 Soccer

After season soccer Purple People Eater party. Ahhh, big brother!

Could it be possible that I didn't get a photo of my two soccer stars together? I may have to stage that for later. Hopefully not too much later, or we'll be taking them in the snow!

We signed both Hunter and Connor up for soccer this year. They were both so adorable. Hunter improved leaps and bounds beyond his abilities last year, even though he was still much too gentle to aggressively steal the ball from his opponent. Hunter could be seen at each game helping his fallen opponents up and making sure they were okay. He also learned that you chase the ball and not the team mates.

I truly thought that Connor would have found his niche in soccer. He has always been my most competitive boy. I was surprised then, to see him squatting on the field watching the action when he was supposed to be defending. He also enjoyed being the "cheerleader" during the times he was out of play. It baffled me. I'm sure that next year will be a different story. It really is amazing the difference a year can make.

Their games ended up being on the same evenings, and at different schools. The fields were changed after the first game to accommodate the smaller players (the field was too big), then the games were at the same location. This made running between games much easier. James and I had to tag team it a few times. It was a little rough on us.

Both boys had terrific coaches and great years.

Connor was the Green Monsters and Hunter was his favorite color: Purple People Eaters!

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