Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Perfect Harry Potter Party

Hunter has been reading Harry Potter this past summer. One night he called me into his bedroom with the excitement of discovery in his voice. When I went to his room, he leaned over his top bunk, placed his make-shift stick wand in his book to mark his spot and gleefully said, "Mom! Magic is REAL!"

It was so precious that I didn't want to let him down. After all, if he still believes in Santa Clause, why shouldn't he be able to believe in magic? Right? I let him down easily, though, and was able to use the moment as a great gospel teaching lesson. He was fine with that.

In our household, your eighth birthday is one of your biggest. It's the year that you become a member of the Church through baptism, so we wanted it to be special. We let Hunter have a big birthday party. Of course, he decided on a Harry Potter theme.

Our Schedule:

Welcome to Hogwarts

Make Snitches and watch Quidditch

Get Wands

Learn your Patronus (choose your animal)

Cast off Dementors with your patronus

Make Butterbeer

Choose Broomsticks

Play Quidditch Relay

Chase Golden Snitch

Eat Lunch

Open Presents

Eat Cake
(and the best part) Go home happy!

With only a week's notice, we handed out the invitations. I'm becoming a pro at last minute parties for some reason--Ah, yes, lack of planning. But, I had already done a Harry Potter theme for Alex's 9th birthday, so I didn't think it would be any big deal. At the time of Alex's party, I had never read the books, so I was very clueless. I also spent way too much time on the cake: a chess board with all of the pieces made out of chocolate! And honestly, I don't even remember what we did! So I consulted the Internet where I found way too many ideas for a week's time to plan. I narrowed it down to one website, then tweaked it to fit my needs, and we had the Perfect Harry Potter Party!
Note: This may be a little too detailed for the average reader. If you are feeling a little overwhelmed with the descriptions, please just browse through the photos and make up the story in your head as you go. If this isn't enough detail for you and you are trying to throw your own HP Party, please email me for even more info. I would love to send out as much help as I received from the web!Our Welcome Activity was creating a golden snitch. They were able to stuff pre cut and pre stitched felt circles. I went around and sewed them together, then they had help hot gluing the wings on the back. Since this was a little time consuming, I put on the Quidditch match from HP 1 for them to watch. It worked out nicely. The smartest thing to do when planning a party: Keep it SIMPLE, oh yeah, and delegate! Hannah dressed Hunter Potter, and I say she did a smashing job! Emily did the lightening bolt tattoos with washable marker. It was great until it dripped as the kids sweat (or sweatted?).

A very simple sign with a Hogwarts monogram from aforementioned website, and tons of red and yellow balloons everywhere!

I take full responsibility (almost) for the favor bags. I downloaded a photo from the net and circle punched it. My daughter taped them to the goodie bags. I created the scarves out of a sheet of red felt with yellow strips glued to it, then with a ruler and rotary cutter, I sliced that into strips, then loosely tied them around the baggies.

We took a short break to make Butter Beer in Potions Class. Combine root beer, ice cream, and butterscotch syrup. Walmart was out of butterscotch syrup, so we improvised with caramel syrup. Truly, the kids didn't care! I made sure that no one touched it until they each had a glass in front of them. Then I explained that the potion wouldn't work if they didn't do it exactly right. They had to stir one time to the right, then quickly three times to the left, then to the right again slowly (or something like that). See those smiles? They loved it!

Here is the amazing cake that I {didn't} make! My best idea yet! I LOVE making my kid's birthday cakes, but I am always so stressed out getting them finished before the party. This year I picked up this simply decorated cake from Sam's Club and suspended our Christmas ornament above it. Perfect and so easy (except that I forgot to write on it)!

Cute little wizards.

Lunch was also kept very simple: PB&J sandwiches on white and wheat cut in squares to make a checkerboard (made by sis, Emily), watermelon and pumpkin juice (orange Koolaid).

Learning how to play Quidditch was so much fun when taught by the Quidditch Master himself, Professor Jamesledore.

James picked up sticks from the Burn pile and stripped off the branches to make broomsticks and wands. He had all different sizes lined up along the fence. The kids chose broomsticks and wands according t0 their sizes. I had originally planned on buying different sized dowels and wrapping paper grocery bags around the ends and taping them, then having the kids shred them to look like broom sticks. Wands could also be made from thinner dowels. This ended up being much too costly, and it was difficult finding paper grocery bags.

They did a relay through the yard weaving around obstacles, throwing a balloon (the quaffle) through a suspended inner tube (the goal) and flying around and cursing the basilisk (stuffed snake) with their wands, then flying to the next person in line and tagging them.

Then they took turns chasing the golden snitch (James) around the yard until the snitch pooped out and landed on the ground.

When asked what their favorite part of the party was, ALL of the kids said it was the Dementor part. Alex dressed up like a Dementor and was instructed not to be scary at all, but to be very goofy. During Hunter's 5th party, Alex and his friends put on a very realistic Star Wars battle that was a little over the top for a bunch of 5 year olds, so I wanted to make sure we were clear on the Goofy Dementor part. I didn't want any children having scarring memories from Hunter's party.

Happy Birthday, Hunter! You are one special little Amazing guy! Have a MAGICAL 8th year!


  1. Amazing! I love it!! :) Everything is so well done! Great job, Sunny! Happy Birthday (late) to Hunter!

  2. That looks like so much fun Sunny!! What a fun mom you are
