Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Valais and Face Painting

After the Temple open house, we raced back to Kamas to pick up James, Alex, and Hannah, who had finally arrived, and quickly headed to Heber for Valais' free dinner. We thought it would be a good idea to meed David and Connie at their Heber house for some free grub until we saw the size of the line! We panicked a little knowing we had to be back in Kamas in an hour for the Derby {the entire reason for the trip to Kamas}. We sent the kids to the face painting line and the adults got in the food line. An hour and a half later, with full tummies and very cute kids, we rushed back over the mountain to Kamas and the derby.
We arrived 30 min late for the derby, which was fine, because how much of that can you really stand anyway? It was fun watching Connie's face during the derby. She watched wide-eyed and I could see her wondering what kind of people were entertained by this nonsense anyway!
After the fireworks, we headed back to the Heber house for a few hours of shut eye before we all had to rush our various ways to our various responsibilities in church. Connie had to teach RS, I had to help my mom with her RS lesson, and James had to drive back to ID to teach SS and Primary!
Phew, What a day!!!

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