Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Grandma's Birthday

Happy Birthday Mama! We love you1 You are wonderful! Have a great year!

Celebrating with the Rope Swing. Hmmmm isn't that how Hunter broke his arm two years ago?

...and finally we got to celebrate Grandma's Birthday with her! We celebrated by going to the swimming pool! Then we ladies took her to lunch and the kids stayed home and had a pizza party. We went home and pigged out on cake and the kids went swimming a second time. I stayed home and packed for the long trip home and gave my mom the gift of cleaning for her special day.

It was a crazy trip packed with probably too many wonderful things! After suffering a horrible migraine on Sunday, I think it will take me at least a week to recover! But, of course, it was worth it, and I'm sure we'll do it all again next year!

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