Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Oquirrh Mountain Temple

We didn't think we were cramming enough into our weekend, so we thought we'd add a trip to the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple. We got tickets to the open house online at and were able to take a tour through that beautiful new temple. If you are in the area, I highly recommend a visit. If you haven't been in an LDS temple before, now is your opportunity. It is the most amazingly beautiful and peaceful experience. I'm not sure how long the open house will last but you can find out online. It is set in the Oquirrh mountains behind West Jordan, Utah. The landscape and view are breathtaking. My brother and I decided that we are for sure moving our families to the adjacent neighborhood when our homes are paid off in 8 years. It is an amazing community.
We met our friends the Atkissons there and enjoyed their company until Connie took TWO cell phone calls! I was mortally embarrassed! She was almost kicked out by the temple bouncers, but I'm sure the Lord will forgive her some day.

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