Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spring Tease!

This is what I saw this morning when I looked out the kitchen window! GRASS! I've been thinking that spring is coming to Idaho. It's been in the 40s a couple of days this week. I got so excited that I actually boiled eggs and made an egg salad sandwich!

Right after I took this picture, the heavens unleashed a flurry of fresh new white stuff! It is now nearly a white out. Oh, mother Idaho, you are such a tease!

Getto Van Gets Getto-e-er

My 1998, dark green, hub cap-less, scratched, slightly dented, Plymouth Grand Voyager with 150,000 miles on it.

It has been an amazing feat getting both the car and the van into our small-ish garage at the same time, however, due to the frigid, arctic-like weather, and James' car's inability to heat itself, it is a necessity.

All winter long, I pull the van as close to the R hand side of the garage as possible, and still have to squeeze myself out of the driver's side door when James' car is in the garage. When I back out, I watch the side of the garage and my L rear view mirror so that I don't scrape James' car, and carefully and slowly back out with much finesse.

A couple of days ago, I was backing out and didn't get far enough over, and clipped the edge of the mirror on the garage. The mirror popped forward, as designed, but because of the plastic being so cold, it cracked and pieces popped off. GRRRRRR!

I checked the motor part of the mirror, and it still works perfectly, thankfully, but now it has a very visible broken side.

Hmm, to duct tape--or not to duct tape. Magic marker would make it almost non detectable! Hmm, does it come in black? Is it worth the effort, or can my pride handle it?

For now, I will raise my head high and feel the pleasure of not having a car payment for a while longer. I am grateful for this old girl. She has done us well, and I shall not be so quick to abandon her.

She was getting pretty dirty, so I took advantage of the nice weather and dry roads yesterday and gave her a shower. I opted for the more expensive $5 wash, knowing that it would look cleaner a little longer. I hadn't anticipated that Rigby's trusty maintenance men would be out in force ( one almost backed into me with a backhoe) moving the snow from the sides of the road to the middle of the road to accelerate melting (an ordinance was passed restricting home owners from doing this, but the city is allowed). I discovered on the way home from the car wash; slushy, wet and dirty roads. Again I say GRRR. Never before have I been so obedient to the speed limits! I drove slowly down the road and cursed at each car that passed me that was spraying slush my way! Ya gotta make $5 stretch as far as possible these days!
My 1998, dark green, hub cap-less, scratched, slightly dented, Plymouth Grand Voyager with 150,000 miles on it, and a broken mirror.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Granola Bars

Once you house has been purged of all things pink and sugary, you can ease your way back into healthiness with some yummy home made granola bars. They are healthy and kid friendly, and if your house is like ours, they will be gone moments after the bus drops off the kiddies!

Granola Bars
2 1/2 C Rice Krispies
2 C oatmeal

1/2 C brown sugar1/2 C corn syrup
1/2 C peanut butter
1 Tbsp vanilla
chocolate chips, raisins, coconut, etc.

Spray a large bowl with Pam and pour the Rice Krispies and oatmeal in it, and set aside. In a sauce pan, combine brown sugar and corn syrup. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Add peanut butter and vanilla. Stir until smooth, and pour over cereal mixture, stirring as you go. Mix in ad-ins of your choice. (I like to sprinkle mini semi sweet chocolate chips on top after it's in the dish so they don't melt). Press mixture in to 13x9 dish and press flat with waxed paper. Cool. Cut into bars and wrap in plastic wrap.

These don't last long around our house!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Plans

I just love Valentine's Day. I'm sure it's because it makes my eyes so happy! I love looking at all of the happy, cheery magazine covers with smartly decorated cookies and cupcakes in hues of pinks and reds. I love the brightly decorated grocery stores with hearts and cupids adorning the ceilings. I'm drawn like a magnet to the Valentine's aisle. I don't need to buy anything. I'm content with the thrill of just looking at everything and squeezing and smelling all of the cuddly stuffed animals.

Around the beginning of February, I get a craving for homemade sugar cookies and fluffy buttercream frosting made with real butter (recipes to follow). I hold off for as long as I can before baking them, because I can count on the fact that I will lose all self control once they are in sight!

When it comes to my kid's Valentine's, I get giddy! The creative juices start flowing, and I start crafting. One year I covered about 50 ink pens with pink heart fleece and wrote each child's name on the pens with puff paints. The next year I did the same, only I used denim instead. They were a big hit. Once I made personalized fridge--art--holder magnets by gluing foam hearts to clothes pins with a magnet on the back. Another year I covered glue sticks and glue bottles with cheery paper and the message "Valentine, I'm stuck on you!" I have also made a lot of felt projects; such as pink envelopes with heart enclosures filled with chocolate hearts. The list goes on and on. I mourn when my children graduate on to middle school, and no longer have kiddie Valentine parties. It's a good thing I have 5 kids! Although with boys, it's much easier to just purchase the changeable 3D Spiderman cards. It also seems more appropriate for a boy to send this, than a girly, crafty valentine.

This year, I ended up making two huge batches of sugar cookies! I have the best recipe ever! Each teacher will get a large cookie. I secretly made large cookies for my family too, but i think they have all seen them. So much for my stealthiness! This year I have toned down my craziness and I'm taking it a little easier. The little boys are sending out purchased Valentines, and Emily is handing out sweethearts with the message already on the candy. Easy! Hannah is at that awkward age where she is too old to hand out kiddie Valentines, but too young to have a real Valentine (thankfully). She is, however, participating in a dance at her school today. She was up late into the night trying to find something to wear. She settled on her same old comfy clothes. And Alex. . . well, he is still too young to have an official girlfriend, but he is in love. He purchased a red rose and a box of chocolates to hide in his "girl" friend's locker from a secret admirer. It was so much fun watching him worry and stress about putting it all together in just the right way. It's fun having kids in all of these different stages of life.

My Yummy Sugar Cookies

(This makes a very large batch)
1/2 C butter
3/4 C shortening
2 1/2 C sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp almond extract
1 tsp lemon juice
5 C flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cream the wet ingredients. Sift the dry ingredients (I find it works best to mix the dry with a wooden spoon before adding to the wet, especially if your wisks are broken like mine are and you are only using one!). Add dry and mix. Roll out 1/4 to 1/2 inth thick on a generously floured surface and cut into fun shapes (I use this recipe for shamrocks in March, too). Bake 6-8 min. For the giant hearts, add a couple of minutes. It is difficult to tell when these are done. They should not look wet any longer, but should not get brown. I prefer them to be undercooked than overcooked. If you are using a baking stone, add a couple of minutes. *ENJOY*

My Yummy Buttercream Frosting

1/2 C Butter (you can use margarine, but it won't be as yummy)
1/2 C Shortening
1 tsp Vanilla
1 tsp Almond Extract ( I like this in Valentine cookies, but on cakes, I like it better without)
3-4 Tablespoons water (add to desired consistency)
4 Cups Powdered Sugar
Cream the wet ingredients and add the powdered sugar. Whip until very fluffy. Caution: eating an excess of this frosting adds to the thighs and hips!

For the past several years, we have had small adult Valentines get-togethers--planned by the men. We have previously done a progressive dinner, but since it's sooooo cold her in good old Idaho, the men decided that we should just all stay at one location lest we all freeze to death between courses. We will be hosting, and a few friends will be bringing different courses. It's going to be a lot of fun.

I must say that the very best part of Valentine's Day is celebrating the one I love! I was so lucky to have been swindled into marrying James 17 years ago via his stalking ways! I had no idea how wonderful it would be! I made James a wonderful handmade card which can be seen at For my gift, I have been receiving many cards in the mail from romantic locations all over the country from such places as Valentine, TX; Loving, NM; Loveland, CO; and Kissimmee, FL. I have received six cards so far, and he won't tell me how many he's sent in all. Can you imagine the for thought that went into that, especially for a guy? He had to mail the cards to the Post Master in each location , to then be sent to me. It has been one of the most thoughtful Valentine's ever!

I hope you are able to share you love with someone special this year whether it's a lover, a friend, or someone in need!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Whirl Wind Funeral Weekend and Goat's Milk Memories

After flying home from California, I spent the day doing a mountain of laundry and repacked for a brief trip to Utah to attend my good Friend, Betsy Moore's father's funeral.

About 13 years ago, James and I lived in a tiny apartment in Orem with our little baby, Alex. We had someone move into the apartment above us whose last name was also Moore. Betsy and her daughter Madison quickly became great friends. Betsy and I would trade babysitting for massages and hair cuts. It was a great trade-off and our friendship grew, until one day when Betsy called me and invited me up for an amazing dessert. I was skeptical as Betsy is an avid health nut. But I humored her anyway by tasting the warm custard she had made. I immediately began gagging as I realized that the pungent taste in my mouth, sliding down my throat, was that of GOAT'S MILK!!!

I had told her on a previous occasion how much I disliked Goat's Milk! I had mentioned how I was traumatized as a child because my mother would pour fresh Goat's Milk from my grandma's goats into regular cow's milk jugs and store them in the refrigerator.

The milk looked exactly like cow's milk and was so cold and delicious going down, and then the aftertaste would hit! The gagging and barfing would begin, and the awful taste would refuse to dissipate! These experiences would leave me feeling betrayed and empty.

So, of course, I felt betrayed by my good friend. After tasting the Goat's Milk custard, I immediately ran out of her apartment and vomited and (being young and naive at the time) told her I hated her (I don't remember that part). To this day, we laugh and joke about that experience.

One day while talking, we discovered that our fathers knew each other. They were both into wood carving, and had taken classes together.

In his last days, my dad would visit Betsy's dad while in Hospice care. Betsy's dad entrusted my dad with the repairs of a fish that he had carved out of wood that he had previously dropped and broken. The fish was ornate and extremely detailed. It must have taken him years to complete. The fish was on display next to the casket. I was proud of my dad for taking time out of his schedule to repair the fish as an honor to John Emory Moore. It really meant a lot to Betsy's family.

My dad and I attended the funeral together. I found out at the funeral that not only woodcarving shared our fathers' interests. They had many similar passions, including nature, being out doors, wildlife, etc. They also share a common name. My father is Emery George, and Betsy's father is John Emory Moore, and his father was George Emory Moore. What a coincidence!

After the funeral, my dad took me to lunch at one of my favorite places--Bajio. It was a great father-daughter date, and an experience that was rare.

Although I only got to see Betsy for a brief moment, it was worth the effort in being there to comfort her and know that I was there for her. It was also a special bonding moment for my dad and I.

The next morning we packed up and prepared to head home. My van was making a strange clicking sound and my parents were very concerned for me. My mechanic uncle happened to be in town, so he checked the van and thinks that the tensioner may be going out. He thought it would hold out until I got home. He put some oil in the van and wished us luck. After a brief prayer, I felt confident that we would make it safely home.

The van is a trooper! She made it all the way home without stalling (thanks to a little help from above). What a good van. I can say that today, but don't ask me tomorrow after I've been to the local mechanic!

Friday, February 06, 2009

One Baby, Two Baby, Three Baby, Four!

It's the blog post you've all been waiting for! The results of my trip to California to visit my little quaddie cousins!

It all began as I left the frozen tundra of Idaho one frigid January morn, and headed South to Salt Lake. I met up with my m"aw"ther, and we headed to the airport. We almost missed the plane due to our late arrival at the airport, and my mom's luggage being purged of a vicious Cabella multi-tooled potential weapon!

We arrived in California early and waited outside for our ride. We didn't mind the wait because it was as though we had walked right into paradise! The weather was a gorgeous 75 degrees with the sun gently setting in the west. We had no idea what we were in for!

We arrived at Amber's house and discovered a bustle of activity. Babies were everywhere and Amber was all alone! We immediately washed our hands and picked up crying babies. I don't think our arms were empty for the remainder of the time!

I asked if Amber would forgive us if we we unable to tell the babies apart or messed up their names. She said of course she wouldn't. Once I really looked at them, I found them to look very different. I can't believe that the boys are identical triplets! They are very easy to tell apart unless you can't see their faces, or it is midnight. The first baby I held was Michael. He is by far the chubbiest one. I immediately fell in love with him. It seems that everyone has their favorite, and I just knew that Michael would be mine. He was so cuddly and reminded me of my own chubby babies!

That first night was a blur. I helped Amber care for the babies throughout the night. Amber would hand me a baby to feed and sooth to sleep, and bleary eyed, I would hand it back to her and take another one. This continued until 5:30 am, which happened to be morning time in that household! By 11AM, I could swear it should have been 3! My arms were aching and I was covered in a crusty white mess. Bedtime came at 8 PM. We all dropped like flies!

That night was easier--as I knew more of what to expect.

The next day, people came with helping hands and left with promises to return.

As the days passed, I spent time with each baby and realized that I fell in love with every single one of them! I called my family to update them and find out if they were surviving without me. When I said hello to Emily, her response was sobbing. I miss you mommy! Hunter said "bring one of them home with you!" And Connor told me he wished I was home with him. When Amber asked which one I would take home, I seriously couldn't say. I love them all.

By the end of the trip, I gained: a lot of upper arm muscle; a lot of weight (due to eating the same things as a mother feeding 4 babies); an admiration of my amazing cousin and her hubby, Mike; and a heart that grew four sizes that week! What an amazing experience!

Compare my previous blog post to this one! What a difference a few hundred miles can make! Here I am with either a lemon or a lime tree with fruit in January!Taking the babies for a walk was no small feat! By our second outing we had reduced the prep time to about 10 minutes! The babies love to be outside in the fresh (but not windy) air.One of my close school buddies happens to live in the same town as Amber. She volunteered to help and discovered that they were very distant cousins and that they both knew me. What a small world! Julie Lewis Kessler took me out for a brief lunch one day. I was so worried about leaving Amber short-handed, that we hurried as fast as we could, only to find another volunteer with them and all of the babies slumbering peacefully when we returned. Me with Jaileigh and Anthony. Julie with Jakob and Michael.
I can't believe that this is the only shot of Amber that I got. Well, Amber, it is one of your nicest features! ;) Little Jaileigh is the princess. She is tiny and sweet as can be! Look at that little smile! Yummy!

Sweet Anthony. I didn't think he liked me at first because when I tried to feed him, he'd pull away and arch his back. Then I realized that he's a very sensitive soul. If I spoke very softly to him, he would relax and eat and fall asleep. His little dark eyebrows are so endearing.

Now who couldn't love a face like that? I had so much fun playing with little Jakers! He has so much personality and is always smiling!

My mom is such a trooper! She was constantly doing dishes and laundry. She was an amazing helper and we had so much fun! By the last day, we were constantly laughing. We had a great monther-daughter bonding trip!

My Mom is Great Aunt to the quads, but I couldn't help myself, I referred to her as Grandma.
She hated how she looked this day, so I told her I'd Photoshop her! I'm not very good at it yet (she looks kind of weird)!

We almost lost Jakob for this shot! He slid between my mom's legs and landed on the couch. It gave us a start, but mom had in under control. They really are getting too big to hold all of them on one lap!

Me with sweet little Michael sleeping peacefully.

Michael and Jaileigh sleeping together. You can see the difference in their sizes by looking at their tiny feet.
Amber, thanks for letting us share in your amazing joy! We love you and your beautiful family!
This post is dedicated to my brother, Doug, who made our trip possible through his generous donation of frequent flier miles!
The End

Winter is Almost Over in Idaho

Winter is almost over in Idaho, as we can see the deer wandering around now!

I received this email from a fellow Idahoan, and I actually laughed out loud! It is so true, however, it's now February, so winter has to end at some point. I can't wait for the amazing summer that Idaho is known for! It's right around the corner--the very long corner.

These photos were taken the first week of January. The snow has melted a little, but it's snowing today and should continue through the weekend. Yippee. I love coming home from warm CA to frozen ID!

This coat is the only reason I have survived the cold so long. It's Land's End and warms to temps to negative 30! I love it! It is down and 3/4 length and very light.

James wanted me to post a photo of the snow on our front porch. He wasn't satisfied with the above photos, and since he rarely contributes to our family blog, I have humored him. He actually wanted me to go out in it. Brrrrr! Since it's actually 40 degrees today, I put on my down coat and headed out. So here are the current photos of the snow depths in our front yard.

The kids made a sled run on our front yard, and have had a great time sledding on it.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Still in CA

Hi all, I'm sure you're all dying for an update on my trip to visit the quads. I am still in beautiful CA until tomorrow, when I'll take a peek at the ocean and then catch a plane home. Amber may have posted a pic on her blog. You can check there. Until there . . . stay tuned! I'll give you a hint as to how the week went, my arms are sooooo sore and I am so tired but filled with baby joy!