Friday, February 06, 2009

Winter is Almost Over in Idaho

Winter is almost over in Idaho, as we can see the deer wandering around now!

I received this email from a fellow Idahoan, and I actually laughed out loud! It is so true, however, it's now February, so winter has to end at some point. I can't wait for the amazing summer that Idaho is known for! It's right around the corner--the very long corner.

These photos were taken the first week of January. The snow has melted a little, but it's snowing today and should continue through the weekend. Yippee. I love coming home from warm CA to frozen ID!

This coat is the only reason I have survived the cold so long. It's Land's End and warms to temps to negative 30! I love it! It is down and 3/4 length and very light.

James wanted me to post a photo of the snow on our front porch. He wasn't satisfied with the above photos, and since he rarely contributes to our family blog, I have humored him. He actually wanted me to go out in it. Brrrrr! Since it's actually 40 degrees today, I put on my down coat and headed out. So here are the current photos of the snow depths in our front yard.

The kids made a sled run on our front yard, and have had a great time sledding on it.

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