Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Plans

I just love Valentine's Day. I'm sure it's because it makes my eyes so happy! I love looking at all of the happy, cheery magazine covers with smartly decorated cookies and cupcakes in hues of pinks and reds. I love the brightly decorated grocery stores with hearts and cupids adorning the ceilings. I'm drawn like a magnet to the Valentine's aisle. I don't need to buy anything. I'm content with the thrill of just looking at everything and squeezing and smelling all of the cuddly stuffed animals.

Around the beginning of February, I get a craving for homemade sugar cookies and fluffy buttercream frosting made with real butter (recipes to follow). I hold off for as long as I can before baking them, because I can count on the fact that I will lose all self control once they are in sight!

When it comes to my kid's Valentine's, I get giddy! The creative juices start flowing, and I start crafting. One year I covered about 50 ink pens with pink heart fleece and wrote each child's name on the pens with puff paints. The next year I did the same, only I used denim instead. They were a big hit. Once I made personalized fridge--art--holder magnets by gluing foam hearts to clothes pins with a magnet on the back. Another year I covered glue sticks and glue bottles with cheery paper and the message "Valentine, I'm stuck on you!" I have also made a lot of felt projects; such as pink envelopes with heart enclosures filled with chocolate hearts. The list goes on and on. I mourn when my children graduate on to middle school, and no longer have kiddie Valentine parties. It's a good thing I have 5 kids! Although with boys, it's much easier to just purchase the changeable 3D Spiderman cards. It also seems more appropriate for a boy to send this, than a girly, crafty valentine.

This year, I ended up making two huge batches of sugar cookies! I have the best recipe ever! Each teacher will get a large cookie. I secretly made large cookies for my family too, but i think they have all seen them. So much for my stealthiness! This year I have toned down my craziness and I'm taking it a little easier. The little boys are sending out purchased Valentines, and Emily is handing out sweethearts with the message already on the candy. Easy! Hannah is at that awkward age where she is too old to hand out kiddie Valentines, but too young to have a real Valentine (thankfully). She is, however, participating in a dance at her school today. She was up late into the night trying to find something to wear. She settled on her same old comfy clothes. And Alex. . . well, he is still too young to have an official girlfriend, but he is in love. He purchased a red rose and a box of chocolates to hide in his "girl" friend's locker from a secret admirer. It was so much fun watching him worry and stress about putting it all together in just the right way. It's fun having kids in all of these different stages of life.

My Yummy Sugar Cookies

(This makes a very large batch)
1/2 C butter
3/4 C shortening
2 1/2 C sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp almond extract
1 tsp lemon juice
5 C flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cream the wet ingredients. Sift the dry ingredients (I find it works best to mix the dry with a wooden spoon before adding to the wet, especially if your wisks are broken like mine are and you are only using one!). Add dry and mix. Roll out 1/4 to 1/2 inth thick on a generously floured surface and cut into fun shapes (I use this recipe for shamrocks in March, too). Bake 6-8 min. For the giant hearts, add a couple of minutes. It is difficult to tell when these are done. They should not look wet any longer, but should not get brown. I prefer them to be undercooked than overcooked. If you are using a baking stone, add a couple of minutes. *ENJOY*

My Yummy Buttercream Frosting

1/2 C Butter (you can use margarine, but it won't be as yummy)
1/2 C Shortening
1 tsp Vanilla
1 tsp Almond Extract ( I like this in Valentine cookies, but on cakes, I like it better without)
3-4 Tablespoons water (add to desired consistency)
4 Cups Powdered Sugar
Cream the wet ingredients and add the powdered sugar. Whip until very fluffy. Caution: eating an excess of this frosting adds to the thighs and hips!

For the past several years, we have had small adult Valentines get-togethers--planned by the men. We have previously done a progressive dinner, but since it's sooooo cold her in good old Idaho, the men decided that we should just all stay at one location lest we all freeze to death between courses. We will be hosting, and a few friends will be bringing different courses. It's going to be a lot of fun.

I must say that the very best part of Valentine's Day is celebrating the one I love! I was so lucky to have been swindled into marrying James 17 years ago via his stalking ways! I had no idea how wonderful it would be! I made James a wonderful handmade card which can be seen at For my gift, I have been receiving many cards in the mail from romantic locations all over the country from such places as Valentine, TX; Loving, NM; Loveland, CO; and Kissimmee, FL. I have received six cards so far, and he won't tell me how many he's sent in all. Can you imagine the for thought that went into that, especially for a guy? He had to mail the cards to the Post Master in each location , to then be sent to me. It has been one of the most thoughtful Valentine's ever!

I hope you are able to share you love with someone special this year whether it's a lover, a friend, or someone in need!


  1. I made sugar cookies today!! I am impressed with how thoughtful James is. He and David are a lot alike in many ways, but that is not one of them!! David did buy me a gift ahead of time instead of scrambling at the last minute (that was a big step for him). I love the guy for sure!!


    Make those cookies for them. The frosting makes me weep with joy.
