Thursday, February 26, 2009

Getto Van Gets Getto-e-er

My 1998, dark green, hub cap-less, scratched, slightly dented, Plymouth Grand Voyager with 150,000 miles on it.

It has been an amazing feat getting both the car and the van into our small-ish garage at the same time, however, due to the frigid, arctic-like weather, and James' car's inability to heat itself, it is a necessity.

All winter long, I pull the van as close to the R hand side of the garage as possible, and still have to squeeze myself out of the driver's side door when James' car is in the garage. When I back out, I watch the side of the garage and my L rear view mirror so that I don't scrape James' car, and carefully and slowly back out with much finesse.

A couple of days ago, I was backing out and didn't get far enough over, and clipped the edge of the mirror on the garage. The mirror popped forward, as designed, but because of the plastic being so cold, it cracked and pieces popped off. GRRRRRR!

I checked the motor part of the mirror, and it still works perfectly, thankfully, but now it has a very visible broken side.

Hmm, to duct tape--or not to duct tape. Magic marker would make it almost non detectable! Hmm, does it come in black? Is it worth the effort, or can my pride handle it?

For now, I will raise my head high and feel the pleasure of not having a car payment for a while longer. I am grateful for this old girl. She has done us well, and I shall not be so quick to abandon her.

She was getting pretty dirty, so I took advantage of the nice weather and dry roads yesterday and gave her a shower. I opted for the more expensive $5 wash, knowing that it would look cleaner a little longer. I hadn't anticipated that Rigby's trusty maintenance men would be out in force ( one almost backed into me with a backhoe) moving the snow from the sides of the road to the middle of the road to accelerate melting (an ordinance was passed restricting home owners from doing this, but the city is allowed). I discovered on the way home from the car wash; slushy, wet and dirty roads. Again I say GRRR. Never before have I been so obedient to the speed limits! I drove slowly down the road and cursed at each car that passed me that was spraying slush my way! Ya gotta make $5 stretch as far as possible these days!
My 1998, dark green, hub cap-less, scratched, slightly dented, Plymouth Grand Voyager with 150,000 miles on it, and a broken mirror.


  1. Yikes!!! They do have duct tape in black... and dark green and yellow and purple.. :) Argh to having it crack though! Darn!

    Sorry the clean-ness of the van didn't last longer either. You get a definite A for all the effort! :)

  2. Getto-e-er is now my favorite word!

  3. I did the same thing to my mirror!!! I got lucky, and only have a little chip missing:)
