Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Baby is FIVE! (Oct 20, 2008)

. Now, isn't that the happiest little birthday boy you've ever seen!

I can't believe that my sweet little Connor is 5 years old! I keep trying to hold him on my lap and cuddle with him, but he's just getting SO big! I keep using baby shampoo, though, so he'll at least still smell like my sweet little baby--with a little stinky boy mixed in with it.

We had a fun party for Connor. The pre party was a little stressful. My friend asked me to watch her little boy for a couple of hours, which was fine, but then a million other kids came over, and I really got stressed out. Which is typical for me and pre parties. But once all the kiddies went home, I took a deep breath and did away with about half of what I was planning. I'm learning that it's okay to tone things down a little now and again ;)
We decided to invite two families who have kids who are Connor's friends over for the big birthday. We had a pumpkin carving party. My kitchen is so small! Well, the dining area, anyway, so I felt a little claustrophobic! Thankfully we have the sun room. I decked it out with black balloon bats hanging from the ceiling, and creepy silhouettes in the windows. And, of course, more black balloons in the hot tub! (Had to cut back on spider webs and other decorations due to time and stress) Emily told me I was creative. That made me feel good. It's the small things, ya know. I decided to fuse Batman and Halloween Bats. It kind of worked. As far as Connor knew, it was FANTASTIC!!! James told me I seemed to be having a great time and that I seemed relaxed. Well, if I pulled that off, and everyone had fun, then the party was a success!

Blow, don't spit, Connor. (Oh, how I love cake!) Batman was from our sprinkler that broke. I cleaned it up and slapped it on the cake--PRESTO~! (yes, more cost cutting party tips)

Connor wanted triangle eyes and nose and only TWO teeth!

Connor's favorite gift was from none other, than MOM!

We invited last minute the Kilpatric family to join us in our pumpkin carving. I got to hold baby Seth so I could get out of the carving fun! As I held him, I told Connor that he used to be that tiny. Seems strange to remember that now. It seems like he was born a toddler. His infancy went by SOOOO quickly.

And of course, we LOVE those nutty Buska's. They are so much fun to have over!
Happy Birthday my little amazing five year old!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birhtday Connor!!!! We're sad we couldn't come party with you this year, it looks like it was a blast.
    Hope to see you again soon!
