Monday, October 27, 2008

Chiefs, and Angels, and Pocket Knives (?) OH MY

I don't know what it is about my family, but we get really "into" making costumes around here. It's a fun thing to pretend you are something that you are not for a brief moment in time. Then it's always good to get back to your old self again.

Master Chief!
Alex came across a pretty cool Master Chief costume idea on the web. It is made using pepekura. He created it in a 3-D program, printed it on regular old computer paper, and painstakingly cut and glued each section together. He then coated it with fiberglass resin (found at Home Depot). I think he enjoys paper crafting as much as I do! What he created really is amazing! He finished the helmet, and has now decided to begin sculpting the body of armor. Eventually, I hope to post his how-to video that he is creating.
James decided that he wanted to be a pocket knife for Halloween. I have no idea how he came up with this idea. He thought he was being original, until he found a commercially made costume on the web. He determined to make his much cooler. I think he accomplished it! It's a pretty nifty knife, if you ask me. It even includes a removable "tooth pick." Thankfully he was able to have a reason to complete it before Halloween. The Buska's had a fab Halloween party. Although we were 30 min late due to knife assembly, he will be on-time for his Halloween work party!
I decided to make my life easy and wear my angel costume from last year to the Buska's party. I used it to be a princess last year, and next year, I think I'll use it to be a fairy! My girls won't do anything "girly" anymore, so I have to do it myself! I spent about an hour on my hair and make-up. I sprinkled on glitter and bling. I thought I looked pretty angelic. Unfortunately, I woke up this morning with my eyes very swollen and red and blotchy cheeks. Apparently my skin did not approve of the angel look! I'm not sure if I was allergic to the old eye make-up that Emily got for her birthday 2 1/2 years ago, or the face paint that I just bought this year! Maybe it was all of the scrapbooking glitter and jems I applied to my face. Oh, the cost of looking angelic! I think I'll stick to my earthly look for now!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! You all are so creative!!! :)

    I hope the allergic reaction has subsided! The cost of angelic beauty - who knew?! :)
