Friday, October 17, 2008

My Mini Surgery

Today I had a type of "mini" surgery. I went in for a stomach scope. All went well. Going under anesthesia was a very strange experience! I closed my eyes in the O.R. and then opened them--but 30 minutes had somehow slipped by. I have been groggy all day. A balloon was inflated in my esophagus to enable easier swallowing. I highly recommend this procedure. Yeah! I can eat again!

A taste of things to come!


  1. Wow! That sounds wild!! I hope that things go ok!!

    I had a procedure to check for ulcers and stuff once... going under was wild!!! :) I was groggy for a long time too.

  2. So, my curiosity is definitely peaked, Sunny. I'm glad the mini surgery went well.
