Monday, September 22, 2008

Trojan Spirit Week

I love having a high schooler! Last week was Spirit Week and Alex thoroughly got into it. He spent countless hours and dollars in prep for each day. He forgot about it on Monday, but called home to have us send him a couple of items for Pirate day. The next day was Senior Citizen Day. This will be Alex in 50 years!

Look! It's Mr. Rogers!
Then he had Hippie Day. It was all I could do to get Alex to do his homework before he started putting his costumes together! I ended up cutting a really good pair of jeans to make these bell-bottoms, but they look so good, I think he could wear them any day of the week and look stylin'!

I might be a little biased here, but can't you see this child in the movies? He's beautiful!There was a super hero day thrown in the week somewhere, and Alex was debating between Darth Vadar and Batman. He settled on Batman, thankfully! He wore his costume from a couple of years ago.

Lastly, was Spirit Day. Alex stayed up until 3 AM and created this costume out of cardboard. It was amazing and I am so proud of his artistic ability! Of course the girls loved all of his costumes, and I think the guys respected him for being so daring. He got a lot of compliments, but his favorite was that he was the best dressed for EACH day!

We ended the week attending the Homecoming game. Alex invited Hannah and I and then ditched us as soon as we entered the gate. Ah, teenagers! I enjoyed watching him from my seat--in his Trojan gear--with his friends.


  1. Those outfits are pretty amazing!! Go Alex!!

  2. I love the " MR. Rogers" look alex

    Your Truely
