Monday, September 22, 2008

It's Getting a Little Fruity Around Here!

Fruit, Fruit, Fruit! This is the place to be if you want to can fruit! Everybody does it. For the past couple of weeks, I have been canning apples! I made a batch of very sour apple sauce that I sweetened with local honey. And Friday, I made apple pie filling. The prep work was excruciating, but the end results were magnificent! It is now SO easy to make an apple pie or an apple crisp, and it is so yummy, and the best part is that the apples are from my OWN tree! Yeah! Definitely well-worth the work.

My apple tree is dropping its apples as if it knew it was the first of fall! So, today I plan to make MORE applesauce. Then I will be able to donate the rest of the apples to others who are in need of excruciating, time consuming, yet well-worth it, work.

Last month, I was given raspberries and apricots, and I made some delicious jam. People are very generous here with all of their excess produce. It is actually a lot of fun.

I bought a case of peaches and a case of pears, and you guessed it, I'm going to be canning them too! Next week will be salsa with a case of tomatoes! Somebody STOP me! The main problem is that I keep running out of jars and I have to keep running back and forth to the store for more.

I really feel that Heavenly Father has blessed us with a very good crop this year so that we can get ourselves prepared for the future! Every little bit of added food storage helps! If you haven't done so yet, I encourage you to get going on your food storage too! It's getting tricky in this little old world, and we need to be prepared!

Best of canning to you!

1 comment:

  1. This year David has taken over the canning. He bought a steamer, picked the grapes and stayed up until 5am TWICE to get the grapes juiced and canned!!
