Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Okay, okay, okay, it is finally my birthday, my FAVORITE day of the year! I'm not ashamed to say that I'm 38 today! Maybe in two more years, the shame factor will start creeping up on me, but for now, I'm going to embrace and celebrate! I know that I'm supposed to be humble on my birthday and quietly let it slide by--hoping that people will remember, but yet not being so bold as to remind anyone, but Today I am shameless! I shout to the world, "IT"S MY BIRTHDAY!" (It's also the birthday of two other people who live on my street).
Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to crop on this computer. Hunter was so cute, he came to me with the Primary Children's Song book and asked me which song I would like sung for my birthday. I said that I wanted ALL of the birthday songs, so they spent 5 minutes--pre-cake--singing to me. It was very sweet! My family takes birthdays very seriously. They really spoiled me!

Today, I was pondering why I get so excited about birthdays. I mean, most other days, I don't really care much for myself. But on my birthday, I feel that I should be treated as a princess! There are many frivolous reasons for my excitement; #1 I can eat anything,without guilt, including as much birthday cake as I want (that will stop when I eventually have to join Weight Watchers which will sadly change my relationship with birthday cake). #2 It only comes around once every 365 days. #3 EVERYONE calls or emails and tells me how much they love me (this is important, cuz you know how I feel about calling). #4 I get to be lazy and overlook all of the dirty dishes lying around, and the dirty socks, and the dirty clothes, and the naughty children, etc. (yes, today I had all of those). #5 I get showered with lots of presents (even if they were purchased for the purchaser who used it as an excuse to get what he wanted).

These should be reasons enough, however, I wanted to delve even deeper into my shallow brain for a substantial reason. I was not disappointed! I discovered that the true reason I get so excited for my birthday--or any one's birthday--is because it is a celebration of the greatest magnitude; on our birthdays, we are celebrating fulfilling one of God's most important steps in returning to Him. We are celebrating the day when we received a mortal BODY! It is remarkable to know that I made the choice to come down to earth and take on the "world." Now, don't you think that deserves a celebration? I most certainly do! And it justifies my great feeling of self importance on this one day of the year.
On my birthday, I will always think of my good friend, Ira Sharp, who always celebrated her birthday with pizazz. She had the most amazing costume parties! She loves that day too and I will forever feel connected to her because of it!
I am living up every moment of this day, although, half of my family was ill and feeling a bit unbirthdaylike. I have a mere 6 minutes left of this wonderfully fabulous day, and I am doing what I love best; sitting in my office, creating cards, and blogging. Life doesn't get much better than this.
I am expecting another great year--until the return of this, the most fabulous day of the year! I appreciate all of YOU who constantly add to my joy and happiness!


  1. Hey Sister Moore, happy brithday. we wish you where here to share your special day with you

    Catherine And Jenessa

  2. I am so glad that your day was wonderful. We thought about you all day, and we certainly celebrate that you are in our lives. You are wonderful!!!!

  3. HI Sunny! You rock. I love that I found someone else who loves her birthday as much as me!!! I totally live for the day and announce it to everyone! Although Marcia recently told me I haven't announced it as much during the past 2 years because she forgot it! Can you believe the nerve:) Anyways, happy (late, but still great) birthday!!!


  4. Happy Birthday, SUnny!

  5. ..and then there are looser friends like me who not only didn't know it was your birthday, but didn't even read about it on your blog until WAY later. I personally think birthdays are better spread out anyway. It's much better if the festivities are spread out. So, next time you are in town, call and dinner is on us!! Happy Birthday!!
