Sunday, September 14, 2008

Unspectacular Quirks

I was tagged last month by Connie (Girls just wanna have fun), and I finally decided to get it posted. This is a hard one--difficult to expose my quirks to all of you who think I'm perfect!

1. Post these rules.
2. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
3. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them

1. I am obsessed with watching 7th Heaven reruns right now. I didn't see them the first time around. I block out 11-1 daily to watch. It's almost to the point where I want to get tivo!

2. When I have company over, the house has to be immaculate. It usually gets immaculate, but at the expense of my poor husband and children! Working on lightening up.

3. I like routines and get grouchy when plans change.

4. I am horribly embarrassed to drive my van that is missing 3 hubcaps! But I think it's humbling for me, so I do it with a smile--or rather a grimace!

5. I work best under pressure, so I usually wait until the last minute to do things, and somehow manage to pull it off at the expense of my nerves!

6. One more--phew, this is really hard! I hate to make phone calls. It kills me to even have to call to make a hair cut appointment. I never want to inconvenience anyone.--On the flip side, I LOVE it when people call me (as long as 7th Heaven isn't on).

Okay, having to make 6 other people do this is stressing me out. So, you don't have to do it if you're busy or don't want to!

I'm going to tag Sylvia, Amber, Julie, Susanna, Audrey, Jenny. Good Luck!


  1. Just wanted you to know that other than 7th heaven....I have exactly the same quirks as you!! Nice to know that someone else thinks like I do!!

  2. Thanks for being a good sport!! I learned lots!!

  3. Thanks for being a good sport!! I learned lots!!

  4. You don't happen to know another Julie, do you?

  5. Anonymous6:56 PM

    This was very cute to read. What a funny idea and a great chance to get to know someone. I do have to say I have seen some of your work and I do think you are amazing on how creative you are.
