Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Party Animals!

One of the main reasons for our trip to Utah over the 24th of July, was to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday! What a milestone! And what better way to defy the over-the-hill hum drums than to have a LUAU? The menu was pulled pork on Hawaiian rolls, fruit salad in a carved watermelon bowl, crab salad, frog eye salad, and to drink; watermelon granita. The decorations were sponsored by a friend of Connie's who had just happened to have a stake luau and had all of the decorations! She saved me! So, thank you Jody!
Mom, Hannah, and Sadie were good sports and wore the fashionable coconut bra! My aunt Julie is a saint! She housed my family last week. I love this photo of her even though it is artfully uncentered. She looks like she is in pure joy!
Little Luke kept asking if he could wear "berries." We finally figured out that he meant a coconut bra! This will be one to show all of his future girlfriends!
Way to make it to 60 Mom! I'm so proud of you! You are a wonderful mom and I hope you have a wonderful next 60 years!
Little Phebe getting in on the hula girl action (uh, Pheeb, you're a little crooked)!
Little sis, Gorgeous Sadie and little Pearl who also had on her luau finery.

For some reason, all the little boys wanted to dress as hula dancers. It was so cute!
Emily enjoying her Watermelon Granita. YUM!
Hannah and her cousin acting for the fish in the fishing game. The kids were picky fishermen! When they found out that rubber bugs were a choice, everything else was thrown back!
Me and my hot, yet white, Hawaiian hunny!

James pulled out the PVC pipe rocket launcher, and the kids were entertained for a long time!

I think everyone had a great time at the luau. It was fun seeing all of my long lost relatives and just relaxing and enjoying ourselves! Mom, you were worth all of the effort!


  1. What fun!!! Happy Birthday, Mama George! :)

  2. You really are amazing Sunny!!!

  3. Looks like it was a huge success!! Hey, thanks for all the cards--you are incredible!!
