Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Although exhausting, our trip to Utah was a huge success. We had a great time on the 24th of July at Lagoon. It was the first time our kids had gone, and they were impressed. Our friend Connie called that morning and said she and her kids would be coming along. We were so happy to have them with us. They made the event even funner! If it were up to me, I would have stayed on the coasters the entire time, but since we had the little kids, we spent a good portion of the time in Kiddie land. We only lost Connor 4 times! For some reason, he kept wandering off in the opposite direction. We'd go a couple of steps and turn to make a sweep to ensure that we were all together, and Connor would be GONE! Alex had a great time riding on the Chicken on the carousel.

The Rattlesnake Rapids seemed to be the favorite ride among the group. Can you see me there with my make shift swim cap? I looked pretty dorky, but I saved most of my hair by wearing a gallon baggie on my head! Connie's daughter and Foreign Exchange student rode with us.
Looks like I'm not the only roller coaster lover in the family!

James with Ashlyn and Emily. James was more afraid of losing the little girls than they were of the height!

We entered the park when it opened, and left once it closed. We saw some awesome fireworks and had a really great time hanging with the Atkissons.

Lagoon, save us a spot, we'll be back next year!


  1. Oh Sunny, I LOVE the 'hat'! :) SO stylish! :)

  2. We had so much fun!! Thanks for motivating us to go. We really need to get together more often. You are invited any time!!
