Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hunter Loses Front Tooth

When you have 5 children, there is always some kind of action concerning teeth; Alex's wisdom teeth are surfacing. The dentist's estimate is $1200 for extraction. Needless to say, he's keeping them for a little longer! Emily is like a little puppy. She's losing molars and Incisors left and right. Hunter is losing his front teeth. Hannah has been there done that, and Connor is stressed out about thoughts of going through it himself.

It is major drama at our house when someone is getting ready to lose a tooth. It's those last moments when the tooth is hanging by a thread of skin that are the most tense. A couple of weeks ago, Emily had a very painful tooth falling out. It was bleeding quite a bit. She was crying and basically freaking out about this tooth. I offered many times to pull it for her. I knew that once she got rid of the tooth, she would feel a lot better. James refuses to even offer to pull it. He thinks it is barbaric. Each time I came close to Emily she would start screaming "don't touch it!" and run off. One time I tackled her and jumped on her to try to pull it out. She begged me not to touch it. Finally it fell out on its own. It had a very sharp point on one edge. Each time she tried to wiggle it or pull it, the sharp point would gouge her and it would bleed. Poor thing. I've never seen a tooth like that.

So, when Hunter's front tooth became dangerously loose, he followed Emily's example and wouldn't let me touch or even look at it. I decided to let him make the decision about whether to let me pull it or not. Finally at bedtime, he told me it was okay if I pulled it out. It took a very simple tug and the tooth was released! Hunter's pain was relieved, and after placing the tooth under his pillow, he promptly fell asleep. Now he looks dangerously like a jack-o-lantern and has a very difficult time with s's.

Connor, however, couldn't sleep. He kept coming out of his room, clearly distraught. He finally wailed to me that he never wanted to lose any of his teeth and that he was going to skip six. He said, "I'm going 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7!" It was so precious! Maybe he'll be wise and just let me pull the teeth and save himself the agony.

Before Hunter lost his tooth. After losing tooth.
Whoa! Can you believe there are only two teeth missing?
Connor decides to skip age 6 so he doesn't have to lose any teeth!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that we could skip the tough parts of life! :) SO cute!!
