Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Return of the Girls June 1

The next chapter of my life has no photos for some reason. Actually, I think I did take a photo with my phone of the Logan Temple, but getting that photo from my phone to my blog is way beyond my skill level. I can only be so savvy.
Like I said, the week was so peaceful! I love my girls, but just the sheer number percentage alone means that there will be less chaos in my home without them.
I think the girls had fun at Grandma's house, but when Grandma said that next time they can each come by themselves, I knew what had gone on. My poor mother. She said she finally realized on the last day that one of them (who shall remain nameless or die of embarrassment) must have had PMS. Let me repeat; POOR MOTHER! I know I should feel horrible, but secretly inside I'm sighing with relief that I missed that week in my sweet daughter's life! What's worse is that we usually both have it at the same time! Bring on the B complex and the calcium and the dark chocolate and whatever else helps!

We decided to meet in Logan for the hand off. It is so convenient that Josh and Susanna live at the halfway point.
Since they were getting a foreign exchange student for a week, my mom and I decided to get a hotel with the girls so we wouldn't overwhelm poor Saki.

Also since getting a FES (see above), Susanna bailed on our girl's day at the temple, and sent Josh. That's okay, but Susanna is much cuter, more stylish, and all around more interesting to talk to (just kidding, Josh, but you are a rocket scientist!).

I had never been to the Logan Temple before. It is such a beautifully unique temple. It's much different than all of the other temples on the outside. I found out that the inside used to look similar to the Salt Lake Temple with its elaborate gold trim and sculpturing until it was renovated many years ago. Unfortunately, the new design was much plainer and simpler. It would have been grand to see the original. But, the reason for the temple isn't to dazzle us, it's for us to just get the work done! And work we did.

During the meeting, I couldn't look at the curtains. They were scalloped all the way across and they hung from ceiling to floor. Each time I glanced at them, I felt a migraine coming on. It was the strangest and most horrible sensation--like strobe lights. Later my mom told me that images like that create that feeling for anyone who frequently gets migraines. She told me that it gave her the same sensation. So strange. Later that night, I did get a migraine.

We went swimming in the hotel's pool after a fun dinner at McDonald's (woo hoo). It was so fun interacting with Luke and Liam. It is so difficult for me to tell them apart since I haven't been able to spend a lot of time with them. But after spending one on one time with each of them in the pool, I was beginning to differentiate between them. Their personalities are very different. They are great little boys, and I can't wait to watch them grow!

After taking Excedrin PM for my head ache Sat. night, I couldn't keep my eyes open during Church on Sunday. That stuff is wicked and I'm usually hung over the next day! It is seriously the only thing that works for my migraines.

After church the worst thing imaginable happened! Emily and I went into the bathroom to change clothes. I flushed the toilet in my brother's new house and the toilet started flooding over! I immediately turned off the water, but not before it flowed over onto the floor! Poor Emily had to run out into the hall with no clothes on! I sopped up the water and sanitized the floor. I was feeling pretty good about my cleaning job until we heard the girls in the basement yelling that water was dripping from the ceiling!!!

Water was pouring from the duct work right onto poor Saki's bed! She must have been horrified, but acted pretty calm. Water was also pouring from a light socket onto the wood floor (thankfully missing the couches). It was a mess, but Josh had quick reflexes, and got everything taken care of quickly. It brought back horrible memories from our home in VA. We had just repaired an 8 foot section of the ceiling, when the toilet blew a gasket and flooded all night long right after we installed hardwood flooring. It was heart breaking, but we caught the ceiling before it hit the floor. It was bulging and getting ready to burst. I'm hoping that there won't be any more damage to Josh's house than a few holes drilled into the duct work. I'm so sorry Josh. I feel so bad!

We finally hit the road for home. We listened to a book on cd--The Survivors--which made it quite the enjoyable ride.

Phew, what an exhausting beginning to summer--only wait, it sure doesn't feel like summer yet!


  1. What a trip! It feels like summer here - 90+ degrees anyone? Humidity? :)

    That's interesting about the migraines. I didn't know that kind of pattern would do that, but it makes sense.

    Hopefully you can rest from all your adventures! :) Love you!! :)

  2. We really loved having you guys over. I just feel bad that it was such a hectic weekend for me. The flooding thing ended up being fine and Saki still laughs about it. We can't wait till your next visit!!!

    P.S. I only ditched going to the temple because I felt bad making Josh watch all the kids yet again while I went and hung out with HIS family. He loves you guys and loved going to the temple with you. I'll for sure go next time.

    Oh and I'll take your girls anytime, PMS and all, I love them!
