Friday, June 06, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

So, Connor has been begging and begging to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house. It strikes me as funny that he is so obsessed about it. We are definitely going down to Utah for the 24th of July celebration, but that is a VERY long time for a four-year-old to wait. So, my mind started searching for a good time to go down, and POP--into my head shoots Memorial Day. The kids will be out of school by then, and James will have that Monday off. It would also be good to teach the children about the true meaning of Memorial Day; that it's not just the kick off to summer's fun, but a day set aside to remember those who bravely fought for our country, as well as those who have gone on before us. Perfect. But then we started thinking about gas prices and watched them soar higher each day. And would our poor old van make it, or would we be stranded in Idaho Falls? I started hemming and hawing and wondering if it was such a good idea after all. We decided to go for it.

The weather didn't seem to want to cooperate, but Saturday wasn't so bad. We went swimming at the rec center (Alex couldn't swim on account of his hair, so he sweated pink sweat in the weight room). Then we ate a YUMMY lunch at Dick's Drive Inn--Home of my first real employment and the best footlong in the world. It's also up for sale! We toyed with the idea of buying it and moving to Kamas, but it was just a fleeting thought. After lunch, my mom and I sat in the car in her driveway and talked for about an hour while the kids jumped on the tramp and James napped. My Dad was digging up everything in his yard to send home with us!

Then we headed to the local movie theater to watch the awesome The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. The movie theater was once owned by my Great Grandfather, Douglas Thurston Simpson. I think they still have the original seating! We had such a fun time. The popcorn there has got to be the world's best, and they always have a drawing for $100 from the ticket stubs! I love small towns!

I was able to attend church with my mom on Sunday and got to see her nervously give her lesson. She did a wonderful job and really allowed the spirit to teach the sisters.

We heard that the weather wasn't going to be good on Monday, so we decided to head to Coalville to put flowers on the graves. I had forgotten that my Grandpa Dean was buried there. Wow, I can't believe that it's been 6 years since he died. My mom showed us where our other relatives were buried and then we had to search to find Alexander Black. Alex was able to get his picture taken with him. Truthfully, I didn't know I had an ancestor with that name until after I had named Alex. I'll have to do some research on him!

Monday, we were able to attend a Rodeo Queen Contest. My cousin was a contestant. It is amazing how professional these young 13 year old girls are! They memorized very engaging 5 minute speeches and wore $500 outfits, not to mention learned a rodeo pattern which they performed with their horses. It was very fun.

My amazing and dear friend Betsy happened to be in Utah the same time we were! It is so funny how we found out we each would be there. Betsy told her dad that she was coming to visit. Her dad told my dad and my dad told her dad that we would be there too! She finally texted me and we made plans to hook up. We thought it wasn't going to work out, but we agreed to meet halfway in Park City for a late lunch. We saw her for about 20 min and she had to rush off to the airport to catch her plane. I'm so glad that I have Betsy in my life. She is a great friend!

Some cool recycled art statues in Park City.

We headed back home and met up with my brother Josh and SIL Susanna and their darling kids. It was so fun seeing them, but the best part was watching the little cousins interact with each other. Emily absolutely loves the babies and she was so good when any of them needed a little extra TLC! I could just eat little Phebe up! She is so adorable!

We got a picture of all of the grand kids together! The little bunch is growing. My parents now have 9 grand kids!

Josh and Susanna, I hope you don't mind, I had to nab these photos from your blog. They are too cute!

Oooh, that little Phebe is yummy!

We decided to leave the girls with Grandma for the week and the boys and I headed home before dusk, and that amazing little van made it all the way home once again! It was a great trip and I'm so glad we sucked up the $3.75 a gallon and went!

For some reason, we had the most peaceful week!


  1. Yayy for an awesome weekend! :) And you can count even more blessings - gas is $3.99 here. Yikes!

    Those are the best photos! Beautiful kids!!

  2. Yes, yes, Sylvia, we are now at 3.99 as far as yesterday. It sickens me to think of it going to $4. How much more can we take?

  3. Hi Sunny-
    My mom gave me your blog address. It is so nice to catch up on your end of the world. I am in California and feel sooooo far away. Gas here is 4.50. We would love to pay 3.99 again. I just started a blog a couple of months ago. I am still figuring it out. You do such a good job on yours.

    Love, Amber (Stokes) DeMaria
