Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I don't really consider myself a hypochondriac, but I must reconsider my position after visiting the doctor today and coming home with SIX prescriptions! I think with most adults, it takes a lot to get to the doctor. I am no different. I have been putting several petty issues off for quite some time now, but this morning, after suffering with a very bad headache and sinus trouble for a week, I decided that enough was enough! I made the call and scheduled myself an appointment. I'm sure it wasn't the first time that an adult went in and unloaded years worth of problems in 10 minutes! I am happy to say that for some of my issues, I am well on my way to recovery!

So it makes me wonder why we do it. Why don't we take care of ourselves? I knew that if I went to the doctor, I'd be able to come up with some solutions, some ways to make myself feel better, yet I delayed until I really couldn't function.

I guess as a mother and wife, I like to make sure that everyone else is taken care of, and my own problems can take a back seat. The time it takes, the money it costs--it's more important for the family and not me. Maybe it's also a little fear of opening myself up to some strange man (the Dr.) that I've never met before. Or even worse, that the Doctor will say that it's all in my head!

Whatever the reason, whatever our excuses, we need to shift our paradigm and make some changes and take care of ourselves so that we can better take care of our families! It's much easier to be supermom when we feel great.

So my advice to you all reading and lurking, is to get out there and get those little issues taken care of before they get big so that you can feel great and enjoy taking care of your family!


  1. Amen, my sister! :)

    I think all of your reasons are ones used by Moms, especially by me. It takes effort to relearn what has been the "norm" for so many years. Sometimes we then feel guilty for taking care of ourselves, but we really need to remember that taking care of ourselves filters down to taking care of those most important in our lives!

    Thanks for posting this! I hope all the drugs work their medical miracle for you! :)

  2. Hooray for drugs!!! I love all the patriotic pictures. It is fun to see how much your kids have grown.
