Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Idaho Skin

"PUT ON YOUR COAT!"  I yell as my teenager is about to leave.  "You're hoodie isn't warm enough for today!"

"I will be FINE!"  My teen yells back with a scowl on his face. "MOTHERS!"  I'm sure he's thinking.

I know his car still won't be warm by the time he reaches the school.  It is cold today.  Wind chill makes it less than 20 below outside.  I  had woken up early and turned on the radio.  I wondered why school wasn't cancelled.

He calls me during the day and asks me to bring him some lunch money.  Normally, I wouldn't dream of hampering my child's ability to be responsible, but this morning, he was looking a little thin.

I sit in the parking lot of the school and wait for him to come out.  I know the period has ended because students begin streaming out the doors and cross the parking lot in front of me. 

I start to count.  One . . . Two . . . . Three. . .  I have now seen exactly THREE teenagers with appropriate clothing for the weather.  Three warm coats among the swirl and swarm of bodies. 

In my heated van, I snuggle deeper into my knee length, fur lined hood down coat.  I start thinking of percentages.  10% with warm coats, 60% in hoodies, 30% in SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS!

Idaho sure raises some tough skinned kids!

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