Wednesday, February 02, 2011

"COLD" Day

Since temperatures were well-below MINUS 20 degrees, school was cancelled.

When we lived in VA, school got cancelled at the hint of snow.  It was fun.  The kids would spend the day outside sledding down the hill in our backyard.  The snow was wet and heavy and perfect for making families of snowmen, snow-women, and snow-children.  School would resume when the roads were clear and most of the snow had melted from the yard.

In Idaho, school doesn't usually get cancelled for snow.  Snow Plow Men wait eagerly each night with their plows and sand ready to tackle the most severe storms.  They consider it a personal challenge to keep the roads clear enough for those big yellow buses to safely transport Idaho's children to school.

Snow Plow Men do not however, hold any chance against plunging temperatures.  No amount of sleepless plowing nor sand pouring can remedy the wind chill.

So, what do Idaho children do on a "Cold" Day?  Parents with sense keep their kids inside watching movies or reading in front of the fireplace while piled high with blankets.

MY children decided to get out the sleds and snowboards and play in the front yard.

I'm sure the people driving by just shook their heads at the senseless parents allowing their children to play outside during such extreme temperatures.

I grabbed the camera to document the moment.  After all, how many places in the world can you actually snowboard on your front lawn?

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