Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Morning

"The ants go marching two by two, Hurrah, Hurrah!
The ants go marching two by two, Hurrah, Hurrah!
The ants go marching two by two, the little one stops to tie his shoe . . .
and they all go marching down . . .in the ground . . .to get out of the rain!"

The sound of marching feet and young high soprano choir boys singing at the tops of their lungs is what roused me from sleep this morning.

I had snoozed 30 minutes past my alarm and had been dreaming of a combination of
Rachael Ray and Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. The food was being prepared by lunch ladies with British accents on airport conveyor belts, and as I oversaw the food going round and round on the conveyor, I was being praised for my food innovation and how I was single handedly saving lives with my healthy options.

Okay, weird. . . it must be that another round of my diet,
Game On, is getting ready to begin, and I've been recruiting. Either that or I've been watching too much Rachael Ray :)

It was a great way to be woken up. I smiled as I made my way to the shower.

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