Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Aloneness (AKA back to school)

I sit here all alone feeling guiltily giddy. Everyone is gone . . . well, everyone except for the puppy and kitty.

"The Jimmy" has been going in to work early lately, since we all are getting up so much earlier for school. Even he is gone.

Connor is in the first grade!

Ahhhh, the peace and quiet. Ahhhhh the clean house. Ahhhh the smell of baked goodies wafting through the cavernous house.

Oh the possibilities! I wonder what large and fearsome task I should accomplish for the day. It would be uninterrupted--the most effecient way to work.

(Mom: "I'm going to be all alone today!" Connor: "Awwww!" )

Or I could just sit and read one of the library's finest, pausing only to take the puppy out, or to refill my water bottle and pop some Hershey's Kisses?

Hunter's in third grade!

Carpe Diem I must sieze the day!

And I don't need to feel guilty for enjoying myself on days like today, when all is quiet and I'm home from work.

I get to refill my cup so to speak, so I can fill every one elses. They will all come home to a fresh, clean house, something warm and wholesome and amazing smelling in the oven, and a mom who actually has a smile on her face!

Back to school really is the most wonderful time of the year!


  1. I have to say, I am monumentally jealous. I will get there in a few more years. Until then, I just keep swimming.

  2. Cute, CUTE kids!!!

  3. I love all the photos! How awesome! What a beautiful group! :) And being able to have some time alone.... ahhhh! It is nice to have, that's for sure. :)
