Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sadie's Wedding

My sister, Sadie made the most beautiful Princess Bride! Here she is with our little beautiful niece, Phebe, and her puppy Pearl.
The wedding and reception were held at the Castle in Layton, UT.

Here are Sadie and her Bride's Maids; Our Cousin, Christan, sister Sallie, and Sis Shirlee, with little Phebe.

Connor was the little ring bearer. He did such a great job. He knew how important it was to be very careful with the diamonds!

Luke and Liam got to follow Connor. They stole the show! They were so funny!

Sadie asked me to make her cake. I was a little {a LOT} overwhelmed since it's been several years since I made a wedding cake. It really took it all out of me making this cake. I begged James to never let me make another one during the excruciating process . . . then I see the end result and sigh and say ...well maybe I could do it again. I know why wedding cakes are so expensive--you almost kill yourself each time you make one!

The cake looked huge until I put the flowers on it.

I am very grateful for flowers and for the flaws they hide ;) I don't mind showing y'all though because I always like to keep things real (don't even think about clicking to enlarge that photo).

James was the man behind the camera. He caught some very funny moments on film (can you still say film if it's digital?)

Alex looked very dashing in his tux, but was too shy to ask his "hot" cousins to dance. I told him that that is the best because there is no worry of commitment. He didn't care. He watched a movie on James' ipod in stead (wimp).

Connor, on the other hand, is the Ladies man! He found his little princess at the castle and they were tearing up the dance floor! They also threw rose petals in the fountain. Hope that wasn't a bad thing. He was so adorable!
It was a beautiful wedding. It gave me the opportunity to reflect upon my own wedding and how very spectacular and amazing it was. There was absolutely not one artificial thing in my castle, and although we couldn't have spent more than $1500, it was more precious than gold.
The covenants and promises that James and I made with God are binding on earth and in Heaven forever. I am so grateful for the choice I made 18 years ago to be married to my sweetheart in the Salt Lake Temple for time and all Eternity.


  1. Congrats to Sadie!! That is so awesome! The cake is *BEAUTIFUL*!! You are so amazing, Sunny!! I love all the pics!

    btw, no dog bite in the cake, right? ;) ha!!

  2. I love your testimony! So true. Our castles and everything they entails, are worth more than all of the precious jewels and gold in the world. ETERNITY! Thanks for sharing. It made me reflect on our own sealing.
