Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Connor Can't Sleep

Connor is typically my sleepy head. He loves to sleep-in in the mornings. Consequently, he tends to stay up late at night with difficulty falling asleep {hmmm. wonder where he gets that--don't even look at what time I'm posting this}.

We usually see Connor several times out of bed after he's been tucked in. He's hot, or thirsty, or itchy, or just can't sleep.

Daddy wasn't feeling well tonight and really needed his own sleep and so scolded Connor the third time he tried to come into our room.

Mama smoothed things over and sent him off to bed. A few minutes later I thought I could hear a little mouse outside of my door. I waited and then crept quietly to my door. When I looked down, I saw this little note tucked under the crack beneath the door. Now, how can you get angry at a little kindergartner who can write like that? I love the emphasis of the periods after each word.
What this little guy needs is some TLC from his Mama. We changed his PJs to cool cotton and turned his soft classical music on again and tucked Mr. Teddy Bear in on one side and tattered portion of a blanket on the other and like a magic wand leaving sparkles in its wake, sleep overcomes him. zzzzzzzzzzzz

Big brother is not as convincing, but still just as cute! I love these little guys. I can't believe how quickly they are growing up before my eyes.
I will treasure this note forever.


  1. so sweeeeettt!!!!!! :)

  2. that is very cute! i love notes like those!
