Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Idiocy or Inspiration?

Was it idiocy or inspiration for me to make a split-second decision Sunday night to leave my comfort zone and embark on a six day journey across three states while turning a blind eye to bald tires and a dangling muffler?

I guess it was a little of both.

Typical of me, I threw on my super hero cape (somewhat askew), and stepped off the precipace with stomach clenched into the unknown darkness with Emily in tow for moral support, to aid my sister.

How could I pass up an opportunity to help my sister, who had just gone through 36 hours of labor at home to then have an emergency c-section at the hospital exactly one week before. I just knew she needed me! Plus, I knew she'd need help washing all of those cloth diapers and cuddling with my newest little nephew!

I had to be rescued by my brother, who forked over the cash for new tires and a new muffler and a couple of meals in between.

I made it around Lake Tahoe and up the mountain to the tiny town where my sister and new baby nephew live and Matthew.

It was all worth it holding that tiny, sweet baby who amazingly smells exactly like my own brand new offspring.

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