Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Connor's Birthday Party

When I saw this party in the Better Homes and Gardens Special Tricks & Treats Issue, while standing in line at the grocery store, I threw the magazine on the conveyor belt and immediately bought it! It is the cutest dang party I've ever seen.

I easily convinced Connor that he would be having an "Owl" party ;) and then we set to work.

Connor and Emily both helped a lot with the invitations. They ended up being time consuming, but REALLY cute!
Can you read the text on this page? It sounds just like me, {handmade and heartfelt} so I had to do it!

My version of the table setting. A bit simplified, but hey, time was of the essence.We made pine cone owls which made me very grateful for the extra helping hands that stopped by.
We played Grab the Ghost
which the kids really enjoyed (and may be the reason that my pot lid is now broken).

I was inspired by these owl cookies in the same magazine, and decided to make them into pb&js.

My version is on the plate below. PB&J Owl Sandwiches! With pickle beak and olive and cheese eyes. Not the greatest combination, and I wish now that I would have used baby carrots for the beaks. One child saw the plate and got so scared he ran out the back door and refused to eat!
The kids had a GREAT time playing with their food, coming up with all kinds of silly faces for their sandwiches.

Six Candles! Make a wish sweetie!

Present time! Connor has lots of generous friends!

The aftermath.

1 comment:

  1. You are the best mom ever! You should win the mother of the century award!
