Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Heart Breaker

Emily phoned, while I was sitting on the beach at Rigby Lake with S. Buska, to explain (in tears) that she had broken my spoon holder. Although it was a Pampered Chef spoon holder, it was given to me, so I wasn't too concerned. I explained to Emily, that it was okay and that she was more important to me than an old spoon holder anyway {while giving a sideways glance to S. Buska to show what kind of patient and loving mommy I am}!

I got off the phone and shook my head.

The next day, Emily was on the patio cleaning up the mess from her party when we all heard a loud and lingering smash, tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, waaaaaaaa! I didn't even want to go look. She came in with tears in her eyes with her bottom lip pouting out. "I broke the table..." she wailed. I sighed and stomped after her. James was in the background shouting "It's okay Emily we love you more than the table."

I cringed, then walked more softly.

I felt deflated when I saw the enormous pile of glass shards on the patio. This was a job that an 11 year old should probably not attempt to clean up. Especially bare footed as she was.

I looked her in the eye and said "What will you break next?" (not my most shining moment)

She plainly stated "probably some body's heart."

After guffawing, I laughed. It was a great moment. Then we cleaned up the glass together.
Later on I realized that it was all my fault anyway. I was looking at my list of things that break here on my blog and realized that we hadn't broken anything for a while. I jinxed us!

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