Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good Bye Sarena

It's rough being 11. It's even harder when you move away from all of your friends, then all of your friends start moving away from you!

Emily made a really good friend--Sarena. She was the perfect friend; mild mannered, similar interests, loved to take Emily shopping, and conveniently located 4 houses down the block. I'd even say they were kindred spirits.

It was no surprise then how sad Emily was when she found out they were moving. She went over to Sarena's house and startled Sarena's mother with tears and sobs of sadness. Thankfully Sarena is only moving 30 minutes away! They'll still be able to see each other occasionally.
We decided to throw Sarena a going away party.
It was great until one girl started feeling left out, another girl was feeling desperately abandoned, and the others were trying to make sure no one was feeling left out or abandoned. The boys, on the other hand, were playing great together, in their own world, not even having a clue that there was a problem. I love 11 year old boys so much more than 11 year old girls.
Since Sarena moved away, we have seen her more than we did when she lived here! Hopefully this will continue.
Yet another of Emily's friends has become a pen pal. It is good that Emily makes friends so easily!

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