Thursday, May 28, 2009

Whitney's Reception April 11th 2009

When we found out that Whitney was getting married, we couldn't have been more excited! After all, she's like one of our own kids! We met Ben, Whitney's new hubby and had to laugh at how little they actually knew each other. Well, forever is a long time, and I'm sure they'll be able to get to know each other a lot by then. I always wondered what kind of a man would risk it all to tame the wild Whitney. Ben is a pretty great guy. A saint, really.

We found out that Ben is a good old Idaho boy and that the reception would be held in Salmon, Idaho, three hours away. Wild horses (or even not getting an invitation, which we did) couldn't have kept us from attending. The best part is that Ben is my very good friend, Audrey's nephew. So the Salmon reception was going to be a mini Virginia reunion with the Tibbitts and the Fitzgeralds and the Moores!

We drove the three hours to Salmon, enjoyed immensely being with our long lost friends for a couple of hours, then headed back home. It was a long trip and we got home in the wee hours of the morn, but it was worth it to see Whitney and Ben so happy and looking majestic!

The Skittish Bride??? NEVER!
The Saint, AKA Ben.

Alex and Matt. Two handsome studs (that tux is really coming in handy)!

Hunter designated himself the reception photographer and went around taking some of the most interesting shots. Many were somewhat embarrassing--so much so, that I can't even post them.
Here is what will become known as the infamous "Inside the Garbage" shot. I love it because it captures the true essence of the reception. Always look at the garbage if you want to know what really went on. It's true, just ask any PI.

Oh, and the lovely "Mop" shot. That place was clean when we left, and here's proof!

Aww, my beautiful buddy, Jean. I miss her so much. We got in a little conversation even though she was the stressed out mother-of-the-bride.

Emily misses her "Big Daddy." We all miss you Kurtis!

Here is the match maker herself, Audrey. I loved seeing Audrey. She just has a way of making you feel so at ease. She can easily bring anyone smoothly into a conversation or situation. She is amazing!
This was also the photo that inspired me, along with my ultra in shape friend, Connie, to get off the couch and start exercising. I wouldn't have been surprised to have been asked when I was due! Although I have a long way to go, I'm now walking and jogging about two miles a day! I'm feeling GREAT!

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